
50+ Ways to Share and Distribute Your Affiliate Links Services Products or Offers Part 3

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50+ Ways to Share and Distribute Your Affiliate Links Services Products or Offers Part 3

Welcome to Part 3 of my 50+ Verified Ways to Share and Distribute Your Affiliate Links Services Products or Offers tips. If you haven't read the first 2 parts yet I suggest you start at the beginning with Part 1 here and the Part 2 here. All of these methods and places are tried and tested and can be used in their own unique way and I go into a bit of detail about each so you can decide if it's right for you or not.

21. Upload Your Video to The Other Best Video Sites

We all know about YouTube. But what about Vimeo, Metacafe or DailyMotion and the other similar video sites that people use today like LiveLeak, Ebaumsworld, Twitch, Break and Metacafe? While YouTube is the biggest of them all and has the most users, these other video sites are also extremely popular and used by millions everyday. So if you're using YouTube in your promotion and marketing methods, why don't you extend that same promotion to all the other video sharing sites out there that are worth having a video on? By submitting your video to all the other video sites you'll be able to reach more people! It's just basic common sense. You might not want all your descriptions to be the same on all of them but it doesn't really matter that much. At the end of the day, even if you don't get much views on them or much traffic from them, you will be getting a backlink from them in someway as well and some of these video sites are high authority sites now as well so worth getting a link from.

But provided your video is of something that is in demand and is entertaining to watch then there's no reason why your video on other video sites can't go viral in the same way as any popular video can and can last forever so go on to send you traffic and mature in time as well. And on most video sites, (not all) you are free to use affiliate links in them or shortened links etc as well. Plus if you upload a lot of videos to a lot of video sites that can produce a lot of recognition and brand awareness which can result in much more traffic and earnings for you as an affiliate. It's all relative!

What are the best video sharing sites and why?

We wont go into their differences with some long comparison, but some are better than others obviously. And obviously, the best video site is going to be the one that has the most amount of users so your videos get the most amount of views and responses and interaction. You can simply search Google for "video upload sites list" or "best video sharing sites list" or something. But I'm a nice guy and I love video sites so I'll give you some of my personal best video sharing sites to use in order of which ones are roughly best for starting with the top 20 video sharing sites;

  1. YouTube
  2. Vimeo
  3. Vevo
  4. Dailymotion
  5. Metacafe
  6. Veoh
  7. Hulu
  8. Break
  9. Myspace
  10. SoundCloud
  11. Vine
  12. Flickr
  13. LiveStream
  14. Reverbnation
  15. MeFeedia
  16. PopScreen
  17. VideoBash
  18. Myvidster
  19. Ustream
  20. PureVolume

And I also sometimes use,, and many others. See my list of 3000 High Authority Backlink sites to build backlink on that contains a list of 250+ Video Submission + Sharing Sites that I painstakingly put together for this purpose!

22. Create Free Ebooks and Give Away

Giving something to people for free sometimes makes them feel like they "owe you" and makes them much more likely to purchase something from you. This has been a marketing method used by people for years. Why do you think people stand outside shops offering free samples? Free cheese cube sir? But by creating a free eBook and offering it for download on your site or anywhere, it will make people feel like they're getting something valuable from you and you can use this to direct them to certain parts of your site such as your products page or even using your affiliate links directly in the eBook itself. If your eBooks have really good content in them then that is going to go in your favor considerably as well and even be the swinging factor for why they make their purchase.

How and where to distribute free eBooks for this purpose?

Just like there are other great video sites you would submit your video to, there are other eBook sites you might want to submit it to as well. In fact there's quite a lot more variety as for eBooks and this can range from your own site or sites and many other high authority sites too. Such as with PDF and Document Sharing sites like Scribd, Slideshare, Issuu, Calameo, eDocr, Docstop etc. By submitting your PDF file to these sites, they will be indexed by Google and found on those sites by people who search them. This is also helpful for creating high authority backlinks as well as Google can read links in PDF files and some sites convert them into HTML on the fly too.

23. Publish on Amazon

You might also be interested to know that you can list your eBook for sale as a Kindle for $2 on Amazon which is an excellent place to publish your eBooks to yourself which can build you extra exposure and downloads, reads, clicks & traffic that converts into sales or not. Just make sure to set the price to $2 so they think they're getting some kind of special offer or deal on what you're providing which of course is going to talk them into why they need to purchase your product. You'll need to convert your .PDF to a Kindle (.MOBI). You can use or any other PDF to Kindle converter.

24. Publish on Smashwords

Smashwords ( is the Barnes and Noble equivalent to Amazon’s Kindle market and has mostly the same pros and cons to Amazon and you can use Smashwords to publish and promote your free eBook in the same way. They have tons of categories for authors, publishers, writers and reader to browse through so if your free eBook is good it can get approved and go on to get you a lot of readers, traffic, revenue. Maybe.

25. Create a Podcast and Atomize it

A podcast can help you to connect with more people and customers. They're simple audio files usually an MP3 that can be downloaded by people and listened to on their computer or offline at any time. Podcasts can be anything from you announcing your business, brand or website and talking about your products and services that people can download or listen to online in their browser or on their mobile. You can create a basic welcome podcast that explains a little about your service, and separate podcasts that talks about each of your products or services and has different sound bites in it of things like customer reviews or on the spot mic question in the high street such as how a radio ad works. They would need to contain a call-to-action at the end telling them to visit your site, subscribe to your newsletter and or follow you on your social media sites.

If you're completely new to creating podcasts and have never done it before for your business or as an affiliate marketer they are not hard to create and can be very effective. Just check out some sites on how to create a podcast and you'll learn a lot from that alone. But generally, you can have fun with creating them and they can be used to attract more customers with.

Once you've created your Podcast, you can put them on your own site for download and share them on your social media pages of course. Even your existing clients might appreciate them. But you can also post and distribute these around the Internet on free podcast submission sites. There are many of these out there you can find if you search Google for "podcast submission sites list". But some of the biggest free ones to submit to if you can are;
  • iTunes
  • Google Play
  • Overcast
  • Pocket Casts
  • iCatcher
  • Stitcher
  • Podcast Addict
  • PlayerFM
  • Libsyn
  • Blubrry
  • DoubleTwist
  • Miro

26. Create and Share Infographics

Infographics are just amazing. They're extremely informative and practically evergreen even when the information in them isn't no longer correct purely for historical reasons. They're often fun to look at and read and tell us all the main important things about whatever the infographic is about. And you can create infographics easily either yourself in some free or paid software or online using a free infographic creation site (yes they exist too). Or you can even just hire someone to do it for you like a professional Infographic designer who will probably be able to do a much better job. You'll have to tell them what you want an Infographic made on and they'll probably research all the details about it unless you tell them but that's one way of getting one and can be done for around $10-50 quite easily. Just search the site for infographic.

Obviously when you create or have your Infographic created you will want it to be proper and professional. But it should also contain all your company or business details like email address, website address, contact telephone number and social media profiles etc. People can't click these but they can remember them and be encouraged to with call to actions.

Where to submit and promote your Infographics to?

There are many dedicated Infographic directories and blogs and archives that you can submit your Infographics to that make it easier to get them seem by more people much quicker by submitting your Infographic to all of these sites. You can find these in Google by searching for Infographic submission sites etc and finding lists of them but these are about the biggest and best ones.
  • Daily Infographic (
  • Cool Infographics (
  • Infographics Archive (
  • Infographic Journal (
  • Infographics Showcase (
  • Flickr (
  • Pinterest
  • WeHeartIt

27. Niche Social Networking sites

In part 2 of this list I promised you weird and wonderful and here is a list of all manner of niche Social Networking sites that are around one particular subject or interest, and can all be used in unique and clever ways to promote and market affiliate products or links of some kind. Not all of them can you submit SEO services etc on but these should be great for you as well if you want to try something new or have an interest in any of these because if you do, you can coin in on that!
  • Gentlemint Discover and discuss the manliest content on the Web
    Gentlemint is a site that's largely inspired by Pinterest only meant more for men instead. Where as Pinterest is rather a bit girly, Gentlemint is very manly. Where as Pinterest has pictures of cupcakes and handbags here you can expect to see manly pictures of things like supercars, giant nerf guns and action movies as well as other manly stuff. But it can be used in virtually the same way as Pinterest and get your own profile with collections (boards) which you can tack (pin) manly stuff to like videos and images with links etc. Example
  • Nextdoor
    Nextdoor is a social networking site for your neighborhood. You can use Nextdoor to find out about what your neighbors or your local town or city's interests are as well as find out what things your intended audience might like and can promote and market all sorts of affiliate offers, products and services here if done in a natural way of person-to-person salesmanship selling if you're good at that!
  • Dpadd
    Dpadd is a Social Networking Journal for Gamers. You can keep a gaming journal and use it to record all the games you play. Rate and review them after you’ve finished and has Twitch Integration. You can promote and market gaming stuff to gamers on Dpadd like the latest VR headsets or something. But gamers are quite picky and have a low conversion rate because they've already spent all their money on games!
  • Crafter’s Community
    The Crafter’s Community is what it says it is on the tin, a community of crafter's and is very largely inspired by Pinterest and Instagram and can be used in the same sort of way to promote and market just about anything that might be related to DIY, crafting, arts & crafts, home improvements and recycling etc.
  • BikerOrNot
    I know what you might be thinking but despite it's name it's not a HotorNot clone for Motorbikes but it is a social networking site for motorcycle lovers and enthusiasts. This site can be used to market and promote motorcycling gear and even motorbikes too if you want to go that route. ;) You can join Fangroups or start your own which you can use to share posts to.
  • BootsNAll
    BootsNAll is a social networking site for travelers who mostly travel around on foot around and through Asia and Europe and blog about their walks on the site. But it's a very big and busy site and can be used for promoting real travel offers and hiking or survival gear and equipment or anything that travelers might need to traveling on through around the world if you slip it in as a natural recommendation in your travel blog posts.
  • NickMom (Now
    NickMom is Nickelodeon owned site for moms to aggregate content, to do with being a mom in some way. Moms make great buyers and can be convinced to buy anything if you tell them they need it or you show them something they can use to make their babies life a better one for it. So you can use NickMom to promote products that moms might be interested in if not just enjoy some mom fun as there's tons of stuff to do on the site in arts & crafts, games and more. Note: You can't use this site anymore for those reasons they made changes to it but I include it for historical reasons.
  • AllRecipes
    AllRecipes is a site that is full of all sorts of recipes as you'd guess. It's a community of recipe makers and cookers, chefs and foodies to aggregate and share, comment on and or interact with peoples recipes. How is that useful to you? You can use the AllRecipes boards to promote and market recipes you have or cooking utensils or links to recommended tools to cook certain recipes with in the comments section of other peoples recipes.
  • UFOSocial - The truth is out there!
    The original site used to be at but the owner was abducted by aliens or something and it shut down. The new site or where most people went to is But you can use these paranormal social networking communities to promote and market paranormal related tools and equipment that ghost hunters might purchase or drive traffic to your own paranormal related blog.
  • Ozmosis
    Ozmosis is a social networking site for hospital & healthcare workers and life science firms to drive collaboration around any clinical content, user group and workflow. Basically it can be used to promote and market medical related things like medical books or equipment by medical student and doctors that have big budgets. Just don't try selling snake oil on there as these people are very highly educated people and are only interested in finding real cures for their patients.
  • Ravelry
    Do you like knitting or crochet or other kind of yarnwork like sewing or fabric crafts? Then you can use Ravelry sort of how you would use Pinterest to market and promote the sorts of things that these people might buy like yarns of wool or sewing machines amongst other similar and related things.
  • Flixster
    You know what Flixster is! A site that's dedicated to movies and discussing them! If you're a movie buff that loves to talk about movies of all genres and can be used to promote movie and film offers of all sorts. Add a movie, create a description, and go ahead and add your review as well and where there's another review that said this and what offer you used to get cheap cinema tickets from to watch and you get the idea.
  • Dribbble
    No it's not a site for people who can't stop dribbling! Dribbble is like an Instagram for designers and people into DIY, homecare and improvement to web design, logo and banner creation and anything else like that. You can use Dribbble to promote anything related to art & design, interior decoration etc like software to paint brushes.
  • Stuffpit
    Stuffpit lets you submit products to the site that you found somewhere else and when people purchase it, you earn a commission each time. Commission can only be earned from one of their participating retailers and you must earn a minimum of £20 before payment will be made. You can basically post anything to Stuffpit and promote it provided it's a hardware product but I can't vouch for this site.
  • Goodreads
    Goodreads is a social networking site for book lovers, writers and readers to connect and share their love for the books they're reading or have read. You can use Goodreads to promote things like affiliate links of books or things related to books, reading or authoring books or reading them. Be it reading glasses to book shelves!
  • Untappd
    Untappd is a new mobile web app that allows you to socially share the beer you're currently enjoying, as well as where you're enjoying it with the world. It can be good for promoting beer or drinking related products and offers of all sorts or just discover & share your favorite beers.
  • Dogster
    Are you a dog lover? On Dogster you can promote all kinds of dog related products from doggy treats and snacks to dog beds and kennels. Also, if you're a cat lover, check out Catster which is a similar site but only for cats instead obviously.
  • Subbit
    Subbit is a site where you can substitute things for something else with an alternative product instead (ie; your product) that might be very similar to the original one but only in a different category/size or is cheaper perhaps. People on Subbit post things using affiliate links and you can find these and change them to yours instead as the alternative substitute to it.

28. Create Review Sites

Review sites are sites you've made around a certain product or service that look like any other modern professional business or ecommerce affiliate site. But you create the reviews yourself or get them created for you. They have to be very real looking and naturally happen and they all have to be positive reviews as well. You can also create the site and add lots of products that are contrasting in some way to the original and and include your affiliate links in them of course but also create your own reviews or get reviews for them. The premise is that people will see this and be more likely to purchase because of it. The only thing is this is basically what you might do on your own site anyway and you may still need to SEO that site and market and promote it to drive traffic to it so that people can see it and then add real reviews to it of their own. The chances are some of your competitors are doing this already so you can find those or usually spot them and leave comments on them with your affiliate link in them but that doesn't always work even if your comment is really valuable and good as the owner doesn't want to loose commission to you so may not publish your comment or if they do might not include your links too.

29. The Power of the Ad

As an affiliate, you are basically just an advertiser. So you don't want to look over or neglect using Classified Ad sites because they can be quite powerful and do prove to be successful for people hence their popularity. It's not just other affiliates posting their own things either but there are lots of people who use classified ad sites to find and buy something with and you can tap into this. You can use them to promote individual products or even to grow your business with real clients or subscribers. There are some very big and popular classified ad sites in the US and EU. Some you'll already know like GumTree, Craigslist, Backpage & USFreeAds etc etc. Well in fact, there are several big and very old classified ad sites in each of the top countries for US, UK, India or Australia etc. It's just a matter of finding them! Search Google for "best classified ad sites list 2016" or something.

There's too many to list here but I do include 1100+ of the biggest and best of all classified ad sites to use to promote your affiliate offers and services on that includes around 40 Dofollow Ad Posting sites as well but these are the lists that you'll need to have if you are to be successful with using classified ad sites posting. You can't just post one ad to each site and that's it. You'll need to keep doing it all the time and for different things in different ways and then even outsource the work and upscale it to see any real good results from classified ad posting. Good luck with determination you can do it. Just read as much as you can about it online first so that you can get some ideas for a plan of attack! Get the list you need here.

30. Redirect a Domain Name

This one's a bit of a twist and a bit obvious but some people don't think about doing it and it can be very useful as well so I leave you with it. But instead of shortening a long affiliate link or giving out a link like or or something, you could create a domain and then have that domain redirect to your affiliate link instead. Then you can just give that domain to people instead of and when people visit it, it redirects them to your affiliate link. You can get a domain name for as cheap as chips today a .com from around $14 yr and a .xyz for as low as $2.15c. And having a short, easily rememberable domain name is better than having a long awkward and messy URL that can make people suspicious and reluctant to click on them. I mean what would you rather click on or

Having a domain name instead of a long affiliate URL (even if it redirects to one) can increase clicks and revenue and looks a lot more tidier when left in places too like in forum posts or blog comments or just about anywhere else you might post an affiliate link. Some people do this and create a domain for different affiliate links they know they'll be promoting for a long time. You can even put them on business cards then too! 50+ Ways to Share and Distribute Your Affiliate Links Services Products or Offers Part 3

Final Thought

And that's your lot! Altogether that's approximately 30 ways and places in which you can promote your affiliate links, offers, products & services on. As always, I hope that you will find these tips useful and will make good use of them. Let me know if you have any questions or feedback about anything mentioned here. And do share any more tips or methods that you might have as well. But only if you want to. 50+ Ways to Share and Distribute Your Affiliate Links Services Products or Offers Part 3

Cheers and to your success!




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Wow this is great list and I have been waiting for this to come out. I enjoyed the list of video sites. I am going to check all of those out and start adding my videos to them too as well as Youtube.

I have heard of Goodreads and I have visited their website a few times before when they came up in Googl search when I was looking for information on books... I had no idea I could use that website to promote my affiliate links. I am promoting a lot of books for 2 of my websites.

Thanks for all these handy hints. I am going to choose a few to start working on and then come back to start with more in the future.

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WOW a lot of nice new ideas, but also whole bunch of good websites to share our affiliate links, which i was not even aware of. Thanks for sharing this valuable info.
Also i have on my mind that domain redirect for long time and you just reminded me about, so i will do it. Couple years ago i made it for another affiliate program and it was great success which earned me nice amount of money. Expense of registering domain name for that purpose worth every penny.

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And Mike I forgot to add thank you for the link to change a pdf eBook to a Kindle book! I was trying to find out a while ago how to do that so I could sell eBooks on Amazon.

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Great info. I especially like the idea of giving away a free e-book. On my online journey most of what I have learned has been through free e-books. When I see one being offered, I'm definitely clicking on the link. This has been proven the number 1 strategy to attract readers or traffic. People love free stuff. That's why sales and discounts work.

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Number 21? - This is an incredible list! Is MySpace still around? Last news I heard on this site was years ago and they said Justin Timberlake bought and was going to breathe some “air” into it. And Vine? I thought they fell by the wayside too! I don't do videos but if I did out of your list my top 3 picks for beginners or newbies would be:
1. YouTube
2. SoundCloud
3. Flickr

Number 27? - The only one I can speak to is GoodReads. I don't use it as often as I used to but it's a great community.

Number 30? - You can sort of do this if you have a Tumblr blog. On Tumblr they let you create redirect pages. So you can name a page on your blog "bluewidget" and then put your affiliate referral link. When a blog visitor clicks they get redirected to the vendor site by way of your affiliate link.

Great tips! Worth gold!

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Many many thanks........ Mike for your great listing.

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How can I create this option?50+ Ways to Share and Distribute Your Affiliate Links Services Products or Offers Part 3

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