
What is the benefit in buying social followers?

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What is the benefit in buying social followers?

I have always seen a load of services here for buying social followers. What exactly is the benefit in doing this.

From what I understand these will never be real followers interested in your content, they will just be an ego boost or perhaps impress people that see the amount of followers you have?

I can't see any bought followers actually engaging with you or your content and certainly not purchasing anything.

Why do all these services say "followers won't drop? I actually did buy followers for one of my social networks about 4 years ago and after a while all the followers just disappeared.

What are your views on this? Am I missing something?


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Yeah, 99.9% of the followers will be fake and never convert into sales directly.

I've definitely built up all my pages with 5,000 to 10,000 followers on all my platforms before I do any type of advertising just so when people do come to my social profiles they will be more willing to follow or like because they see so many other people already are.

You can also buy services to share your posts to the fake masses. This will encourage real people to share since other "people" already are lol. Someone might see that a post has 500 shares and they were on the fence about sharing, but now they think it's ok because everyone else is doing it. It's kind of like "If your friends jump off a bridge, would you? YUP!" What is the benefit in buying social followers?

People tend to be followers and if you show them social profiles with a lot of followers then they'll fall in line and do the same What is the benefit in buying social followers?

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Yes I suppose so. I built up my mommy blog page to over 40 000 followers. Yes I've done quite a bit of paid Facebook ads but I quite like that. I can choose the gender, age, location and interests which is much more valuable to me than fake followers!

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The whole point is to create a buzz about yourself when buying fake followers! I tell bands all the time get as many followers,YouTube views,SoundCloud plays,facebook likes etc... It attracts real people to check you out because they wonder why you are so popular? A client of mine bought 40,000 twitter followers and was active on twitter! Now a year later she has 25,000 real followers that are all active followers. She probably followed 12,000 of them and the rest followed her because of the buzz she created by the fake followers she bought at the beginning.

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Yes very true, I can understand it from that point of view for sure.

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Hi Lynne,

The idea is similar to what people do on forums. On forums, people buy posts to increase the numbers and make their forum look active so when visitors come along they will think your forum is active and join. Once many people do this, your forum will become active for real. This is the same for social media accounts. I buy followers/likes and then when someone comes to my page, they will think it is active but it is not and then follow and/or like my page and once multiple people do that, I will be active for real.

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Yes that makes some sense. It is not easy to create engagement when things look like it is slow and boring. I can see now why buying some followers could start things up nicely.

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its seems good discussion, iam also think it, but the followers did effects to every one's image through you ,,for personal purpose your social media would be like legit and popular, and for business purpose your sales may increase and its totally make's your sales up,,
i see everywhere are it,,

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Yes that is true that it can possibly generate sales if you look more popular than you really are....

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Hi Lynne thanks for your excellent question. Yes lot of seller still provide many social signal service e.g. followers, like, pin, views etc. And those services still very much popular on marketplace. And you can see here on Seocheckout all top rated seller are selling Social signal service. It is meaning that lot of client still available for this type of service. And people may purchase this type service for two reasons. Firstly, they may buy this type of service for show up figure on internet how popular are they? e.g. I have 50K followers or like. And Secondly, they may not know all those followers real or fake. Because, you will get all service title as real followers or like and non drop etc. And reason why, they purchase followers but, eventually they got over 90% fake.

Still, it is preferable if you concentrate on first reason. But, if you want to get real like or followers for converting sale, do not recommended.

Thanks by Ajlancer

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Sorry but selling followers and selling social signals are very different.

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In my opinion there is no real benefit other than as a way of showing to people that you have so many followers, so they should follow you too! When I see a page with 500 followers I might think that it is not a popular page, and there are probably not so many good quality products or services sold over there. On the other hand if there are say 7000 followers I will automatically think that this is a good brand or seller, and be more inclined to trust it and follow it too. It is all about the image you try to create of your business.

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Yes I can see the sense in this! Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

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Fake followers are used to boost your account. You look popular and others will be likely more interested to follow, like and share your content. It's like getting a job. It's easier to get a job when you already have one. If you're unemployed, it's harder to find it. If you have 0 sales it's hard to get the ball rolling, but when you finally do, it will keep rolling as long as you still focus on high quality and put in the necessary effort. Followers, likes and all these social media signals are the same. If you have a Youtube account with 5 subscribers and "the best video in the world", you'll get much less subscribers compared to if you had 100,000 subscribers.

Best Regards,

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Yes I suppose there is that aspect. It is hard to get going on social networks with a new account!

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This has to do with being popular, or some form of "social status". The higher number of followers you have the more popular you appear to be online. Some social media users want the high number of followers to be able to use their accounts as a means to market products specifically to their followers.

Advertisers will pay you more if you have say one million followers than two hundred followers. Others just want to be able to say, "I have two million followers on twitter". It's all about ego, money or even both. But it never makes sense because if you buy your followers they are fake, so is there actually any worth?

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That is exactly my point Everett.. so besides an ego boost are there any other benefits? Because I would go so far as to say it is actually detrimental... if someone has loads of followers you would expect their social media channel to be pumping with activity right? I have come across loads of people on social media that have a huge amount of followers... yet no likes, no comments, no shares... nothing. I think it looks terrible.

A few months back I had someone contact me and offer me advertising via social media, so I checked on his channels and they were all fake followers. I find that very dishonest.

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It is very dishonest, and people don't think to check the validity of the followers before entering into any kind of business arrangement, and I applaud those that do. It's just more spam that the social media websites are full of, fake posts, fake accounts, fake likes, fake almost everything. You can kinda tell who's fake and who's not these days just by looking at activity, as you mentioned. My advice would be to never buy fake followers unless you are having some fun, or whatever it is you're doing requires a load of followers. I don't know if I should say that because it is against most of the site terms to purchase such things.

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If someone has lots of followers I always check activity. I really lose respect for people and businesses with fake followers. It is just sad.

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Yes, these certain individuals think they'll get away with it because no one can detect if their followers are actually real or fake. However, there is actually a lot of people whom know the difference. Any business that uses fake followers to boost their image on social media is a business that I will not use. This sounds quite hypocritical as this website sells followers, etc however I do believe their social pages have more real followers than fake and I'm sure those fake followers were not bought artificially.

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So just out of interest... why are services selling followers allowed here? In my eyes it is a not a good practice. I think it makes Seocheckout look bad. Just my thoughts...

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Facebook sells so-called real likes also, but when you stop advertising with them, their likes drop off as well at least some! It is quite hard to monitor what is real and what is fake sometimes for any site.

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I have not seen Facebook selling likes? I have advertised with them regularly for years.... they do offer advertising but it is not paid likes at all

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LOL I wonder if you could put that on your portfolio? Sold 1 million Twitter Followers to Beyonce? Hahaha

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Mitt Romney was buying facebook likes during his election bid thru a social media site or it appears he was lol. How do i know that? Because i was buying facebook likes from the same person and i could see which pages this person and his group were liking on facebook. Politicians,artists, celebrities they are all doing it. They know the power of social media.

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There you go... so many people do it!

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How are certain that is was indeed Mitt Romney, and not another parties supporter? People can buy likes or followers to make a known person seem dishonest, as this has happened with many celebrities, or high profile people. It's so easy to spam an account with fake social stats, and people often love to do it either to try and be funny, or make the person look fake.

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Social followers have many benefits:
you can share your thoughts with different types of peoples
you can enhance your business.

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Yes I agree with you totally, but that is true of real social followers. Most of bought followers are not real...

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hmmm Lynne I agreed with you.

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Hello Lynne. As a freelancer with thousand of orders so far, I can assure you that in some cases buying followers, likes, views etc is very important. I will talk specifically about instagram as on instagram I have most of my clients. if you want to buy followers just to show to your friends and...neighbours that you are famous, then you just waste your money. BUT i have clients who really needed a social boost for their work, such as models and personal trainers! Those people need more and more followers so that they look even more popular and attractive and so get more contracts, clients, etc. Of cource, if someone needs a social boost has to do it in the right way: You cannot have a profile on instagram with 150k followers and when you post get 20-40 likes. The followers will seem obviously fake, so you have to buy at least 10k likes (actually at least 40k...) and 100+ comments for each post. Same for youtube. You cannot have 20.000 views per video, but 100 subscribers.
In order to conclude, I think that buying social services is very helpful for people or companies who need strong social image to enhance their sales

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Yes I suppose I can understand that. It just has such a fake feel to it!

I can certainly see how if you buy followers you will have to buy social shares, likes and comments to go with those followers otherwise like you say it will immediately be seen as fake.

What about followers dropping, what is your take on that? From what I understand bought social followers almost always drop?

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If some followers drop (it happened to us during the huge instagram policy updates about 15 days ago and it was the only period that clients were talking for drop) we give full refill for free, of course. So, obviously you have not been our client so far. ;)

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Nope I haven't bought from you before What is the benefit in buying social followers?

I also don't have Instagram. I tried to sign up with them a few times but I couldn't figure it out... turns out it is mobile only (and damn did I feel stupid!).

I don't want to do anything with my mobile phone right now, I hate getting social notifications on it to be honest.

Plus I already have Facebook, Twitter LinkedIn, Google Plus, Pinterest and Youtube. Most of them a personal profile and a business profile for each of the 3 websites I have too so I am pretty busy with all that!

I have heard Instagram is brilliant, so I will get there one day!

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Well, I have to admit that personally i am not a fan of social media! I have one personal account on instagram (which I dont use much) and a business account on instagram. Nothing more, xD. My partner though is using social media much more...

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Oh wow, so you sell services for a social network that you don't really use much. Interesting What is the benefit in buying social followers?

Is your partner working with you?

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Actually i use instagram, as i said before it is the only social media I ever had and I use it. But i am not stuck in it, posting photos every day. Yes, I have a partner who is using mainly facebook, twitter and youtube (in personal life)

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I don't understand what you meant by buying followers. If your question is about buying real followers on Facebook, then I think the benefits can be huge if those users are quite active as well as interested in what you sell using the Facebook platform. Although, I would have suggested you run a Facebook ad instead.

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I agree that some popular bloggers may have bought followers when they were beginning. We have a word for that – pangiti – which means a nice way of painting a good picture. When you create a blog, you start with zero followers and walk in readers will not mind you. If you buy a thousand followers then people will dig deeper when they chance upon your blog and maybe they can also be your follower. Those followers you bought are like decoys to make you look beautiful, in a sense – that’s the meaning of the word pangiti.

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This can be helpful at launching your social media development. A large number of followers or likes can fuel other people's interest. For example, the social ninja can be such a helper that will add your followers

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