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Why do you want to leave your present job or company?


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Hi, Spika now my current job is working online. I made this job a full part time job because I earn online more than my last job that I had. I worked in management and my salary was 300 dollars a month, and earning online brought me the same money monthly, besides I am working in my own terms and my own time, this is much better.

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I left my regular job to tend to my family.The kids are way too young and they need parental care, not just a mum that work long hours and is only seen at night.So I had to quit offline jobs but to still keep myself going financially I came online to help myself,so here I am 7 months after.

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I would love to just work at home but for now that is not a possibility.

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I work because I have to. If I had the chance to work at home and make the money I needed to survive I would.

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I love my job! I would never want to quit.

I work at home for the past (almost) ten years as a professional writer and I really love my job. Before then, I was co-owner of a small local services business. I love working at home as it gives me the freedom to care for my family and earn good money at the same time.

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Most days I work in my own home business though I have a part time real world job that takes me away from the house on most weekends. I don't mind doing either job and not really looking to change my job status soon.

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Oh, I love my job because it is a high-paying job that made me afford to buy what we have now. But you may be confused when I admit that I have just applied to another company that is near our home. The crux of the matter is the transportation. If my place of work is just 2 kilometers away then I am willing to have a reduction in my salary.

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Full time freelancer (online). Anyway, everybody seems to miss to mention that from online you can have very bad months (it's the main disadvantage you have against a low paid employee - each month he has enough money only to survive, but you as a freelancer might not).

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I don't have any issues with the present company that I work with. I would leave them in a few months on the path to going for a service that is compulsory for those that graduated in my country.

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I left my job a while ago because I intend to be an entrepreneur. Even if for some reason I decide to be employed again, I always want to have a business on the side. I have decided that this is my time to work on that business. If i get another job in future fine, I will have two incomes coming in, If i don't I will continue to improve on my businesses. The world economy is becoming uncertain and no one knows how long they will be employed. Employment is not as steady as it used to be, best to be prepared.

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