
Would you have kids if you could not afford them?

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Would you have kids if you could not afford them?

If you could not afford kids and you knew that you could not, would you have them anyway and make the rest of the tax payers support you and the kids? I would not have them. It is not right to make others pay for your kids through taxes and such.


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forever love
Sometimes, you don't get to choose when your child is going to be born. Some people wait years to be able to conceive and then when it happens, they cannot afford the child. But they are still very happy and work hard to support their family.

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Children are a blessing, not a burden. My daughter has been my greatest motivation to succeed. When my daughter was born, I wanted to be a stay at home mom. So I developed my writing skills and have been able to stay with her for nine years and earn money at home for her needs.

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If you could not afford kids and you knew that you could not, would you have them anyway and make the rest of the tax payers support you and the kids? I would not have them. It is not right to make others pay for your kids through taxes and such.

Not every poor person gets government assistance or benefits, even when they need it. No reason to be judgy and assume that poor people with kids are leeches, when they're not. :mad:

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Personally if I had a choice I wouldn't have kids if I knew I couldn't afford them. When I do decide to have children I would want to give them the world and make sure they have the best life, a better life than me growing up. I would make sure I am fully prepared to take on that responsibility of being a parent and dedicating my whole life to taking care of my child. If it was unplanned and I had no other option, I would work harder than I ever had before to make sure I can provide for the child. Even though there is government assistance and such, I wouldn't want to be know as the parent that can't fully support for the family. You only get one shot to be a first time parent and I want to make sure I do it right by putting everything in order such as money and a home upon the arrival of my child.

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You don't know what you are talking Kat, maybe you cannot afford to take care of a child but believe me, if you make a child God will never let you without food on the table for that child. I have a boy and I couldn't afford it at all, I was full in debt, no money no support from others, nothing. I don't know how I have done it but now is a big boy, has 11 years and we are poor people not rich. Now my wife is pregnant, the same we don't have money but I am sure that things will be all right!
Don't let that money stop you from making a child because a child is the biggest joy of your life!

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This is really a sensitive question and one that bothers on procreation. I don't think to have kids is a bad thing and whether a mom or a dad can afford training those kids is another situation entirely. I would advise that if a parent can train a kid, then it is better to have just one or two instead of having many.

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