
How secure is your password?

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How secure is your password?

Here's a site that may help you stay safer online. Simply enter a password and it will tell you how secure or strong that password is.

Please provide other tips for keeping your password safe and being more secure online.


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It's fun to see how long it would take a program to crack a typical password. Though some of the suggestions I entered into the password program were just basic variations such as a name with numbers on the end, so I'm not sure how reliable this would be.

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There is an ominous warning on that site about how they could be stealing your password but they aren't! That should warn anyone not to enter your password online anywhere but at the official site.

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Having a mix of upper and lower case letters and also numbers is a good way to make a password more secure.

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I need to make mine more secure, this I do know.

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I need to make mine more secure, this I do know.

It doesn't hurt to change your password occasionally. Just be sure your recovery email used to get your password again is up to date. If you have an old email on file at a site and lose your password, you might never get access to it. Though some sites allow you to answer secret questions. Even that way is not so secure, if you chose common questions as others could know the answers too.

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Mine is secure. I use one that only my husband knows and it is odd.

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Mine is safe and sound.

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Mine is secure. I use one that only my husband knows and it is odd.

It's good that your spouse knows. This is important especially for online accounts such as your bank.

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Very secure. I use odd words and such and make it hard to remember.

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Very secure. I use odd words and such and make it hard to remember.

Using a combination of upper and lower case letters along with special characters (including !@#$%^&*) is a good idea as it gives your password a chance of being more secure.

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Usually if you can easily remember your password, it's not secure enough How secure is your password?

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I think my password is quite strong considering the fact that I combined lots of character both the upper case and the lower case to make it strong. It's good that there is a site that can help one check about that.

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I key in mostly upper and lower case for my password, sometimes I could also use numbers and symbols. I don't use any dubious sites and I hardly tell anyone my password.

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