
My computer is acting weird but Malwarebytes says not infected

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My computer is acting weird but Malwarebytes says not infected

Today my Firefox and Chrome browser wouldn't load pages. I've scanned with Malwarebytes and it's saying there is no infection. I rebooted my computer and everything seems fine now. But this is the third weird thing to happen in a few days that I have no explanation for. I'm concerned my computer could be infected or maybe is messing up in some ways and I need trouble shooting tips, please.


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That doesn't sound good at all. Did you do a full system anti virus scan ?

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Oh no, do you think that you caught something from a forum or something?

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Our desktop that we bought in 2009 is still being used until now. It is running in Windows XP. Sometimes it acts weird like not shutting down quickly or not booting properly. But it is fairly good in its operation. Lately it wouldn’t boot automatically. When starting, it stops on the CMOS screen for the setup. What we do is to press F2 to use the default settings and it continues with the normal boot. I wonder what’s causing the problem which appeared just last week.

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