
Does your web host let you upload all file types?

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Does your web host let you upload all file types?

Some hosting companies restrict file types you can upload based on the plan you are paying for. Does your web host only allow certain file types (such as txt, pdf, jpg etc) to be uploaded?


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As far as I know, yes, I haven't came across the problem uploading a file and it not letting me, so all is good with HostGator it seems. Does your web host let you upload all file types?

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On most free hosting sites, you are limited to only uploads of txt and jpg files but not allowed to upload pdf files.

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I am with HostGator and it lets me upload any type of files so I will say it is good for me.

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Escalate Hosting does. Foy only 1.89/Month and an Unlimited package, they're worth checking out

(copy and paste into browser and remove spaces)
escalatehosting . com /special/645199

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I am also with Hostgator and it allows me to upload all types of file so I am very happy with it and I can not think to leave it.

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