
Should you get in a bidding war over a domain name?

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Should you get in a bidding war over a domain name?

What should you do if you want a specific domain name and there is another buyer who is bidding up the price? Should you let yourself get drawn into a bidding war for the top level domain name? Or, should you let it go and choose another one? Please discuss pros and cons of both strategies.


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Though it's tempting to get drawn into a bidding war, that could cost you a lot more money than you had planned on spending. For one thing, how can you be sure the domain name will actually be successful for you? You need to stick firm to your budgetary guidelines and have alternate domains that can be purchased if you get caught up in this type of bidding war situation. Just keep your end goals in mind and weigh out all the factors and ask yourself if it will really be worth it. Chances are, the SEO you can do on page, will far out weigh any one particular keyword stuffed domain name.

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