
Why would you want to leave the Whois off?

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Why would you want to leave the Whois off?

Is there any reason(s) why someone would not want the Whois Guard on their domains?


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Interesting question. Just a couple days ago I read a post on a forum from one of those website reputation sites saying they consider any site with private whois to automatically be considered a "scam".

This, of course, is utter BS and totally untrue, but there are still many people out there misinformed about the importance and reasons for having a private domain registration.

Some of the more common reasons are:

- Having private registration for a small adult affiliate site is important to owners who don't want their information revealed in public to the small town mentality of locals who may not approve of their neighbours "business" endeavors.

- Private registrations helps prevent or reduce unsolicited spam from companies trying to sell you crap you don't need. For me, I still get solicitations from SEO and website design companies, and other registrars, trying to get my business from an address listed on some of my old publicly listed domains from years ago.

- Private registration keeps your address private from internet psychopaths. When you have your real information out there, then any disgruntled crazy with a computer and Google maps can track you down. While it's not something that happens often, I'd like to point to the case a couple years ago of the business owner who used Google maps to take screenshots of where people lived and then send the pictures to their address, as if he had taken them from across the street, just to scare them. One woman was so terrified she called the cops on him. You have to be extra careful these days.

- Someone from a country known for fraud may register privately so as to not bias potential customers against him. Now I understand that some people will see this is kind of a fraud as well, BUT, looking at it from their point of view: If you are an honest person, just trying to survive and do business online, would you want your chance of succeeding to be hindered just because of your address? A person who truly is a scammer will scam you anyway, but an honest seller shouldn't be punished because of where scammers live.

- Others reasons for individuals include not wanting anyone, including the govt, family, etc, poking around their business. There are many people who live in countries where it's very difficult to earn a living, so they may have a few sites registered privately to make a few bucks "on the side" without someone trying to take it from them.

The main reasons for me personally to protect my whois info is to prevent unwanted solicitations and because of the dozens of adult sites I own. It certainly doesn't make me a "scammer", but I do value my privacy, especially in an increasingly non-private, invasive, online existence controlled by big corps like Google and Facebook.

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Spam Email's from Development company.

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To not miss a offer on a domain name. That's why I'm not using it although some domains have whois guard.
In past I have sold some domains & the buyer contacted me from whois.

Potential buyers can still contact you when you have private whois. The message gets redirected to you from the private registration company.

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That's not happening. Once I had enabled & someone sent. I didn't get anything.
Later he contacted me after checking whois history. From that day I'm not using whois protection.

There was a problem with your private registration then. Just use a different company that does redirect email to you.

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