
Domain name as business name

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Domain name as business name

How smart is it to make your business name a domain name? Could this pose legal issues, especially if you don't have a registered business name?


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If you own the business/trademark or your name is registered, then you would have the legal right to buy a domain featuring your business name. But you can't just buy a domain name that features another person's business. That will lead to serious legal complications.

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The best way to avoid a situation like this is to ensure that you register both at the same time (the business and the domain name). If you register one before the other, it might create conflict of interest or even lead to a legal issue. With each side claiming rights to who got there first.

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If you are going to have a website for your business, your business name should be your domain name. It does not matter whether your business is a registered entity or not, having business name as your domain name helps you to establish the brand. Howeve, in order to stay safe, you should always register your business with local administration.

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