
Which is Best Social Network?

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Which is Best Social Network?

Which is Best Social Network?
1. Facebook
2. Twitter
3. Google +
4. Instagram


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It all depends in what you want to promote.

If you have a business where you sell clothing for example Facebook will be a great socialmedia to post in photos and prices with your existing friends that can share your products with their friends also.

If you have something more technical or a blog you can have a twitter account and follow people with your business specific interest, and gain followers with relevant information.

And for google+ the same it all depends in what you need to post and promote.

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I see a traffic increase with Twitter nowadays compared to Facebook, so I'll go with Twitter. ;)

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facebook is the best

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facebook is the best

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Google plus is the best social network in these days where Google is trying to outsource other networks and giving benefits to plus users over other networks.

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GG is also very difficult in reviewing ads or other related stuff

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It depends on what you want to achieve! But Facebook is my favorite one! Which is Best Social Network?

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Facebook is on the top now.

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i love Facebook for personal and business use too.

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In my opinion it's Facebook.They had so much features and so much more will be added Which is Best Social Network?.

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Best Social Network?
1. Facebook
2. Twitter
3. Google +
4. Instagram

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Facebook for me. It has everything I need.

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It depends on your business needs and your target people. Where your target audience communicate is the best social media platform for your business to deliver or offer the services. For me it is Twitter.

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More traffic comes from twitter.

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Just depends on what your goals are.

Whether you are a business or social user, Twitter is the ideal choice as you can search by hashtag and jump into conversations by retweeting or commenting on things that interest you. This could be an important way to network for your business.

Instagram is a visual platform that focuses on photos, so it's perfect for entertainers, photographers, travelers, bloggers and artists who want to show off recent work.

If you are looking for a bigger canvas to write on, you have to go with Facebook (via page, note, status updates, etc) though as you are not limited on space as you are with Twitter. Google+ imitates many of the Facebook features, though not as many people are actively using it daily.

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I had seen in one chart that Facebook is the leader in social media in terms of users. Social media network of China and India are lagging behind and Twitter is way down in number 4. Just with the numbers, it is easy to say that Facebook is the best social network for personal or business. But, of course, you have to put some angst in your posts to get attention. And if you don't log in regularly then your friends will forget that you exist in Facebook.

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