
What if the old Myspace was brought back?

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What if the old Myspace was brought back?

What if Myspace brought back the old style, where everyone had their own profile/timeline and you could post to friend walls? Would you go back to Myspace if it was the same as five years ago (pre-Facebook)?


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I would use it to promote myself and my services, so yeah. I wouldn't abandon Facebook though.

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Yes I do think that if the old myspace was brought back I would go back to it. I rather liked the old one, as the new one sucks.

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There would be so much spam on Myspace if they opened it up as it was before, maybe 100 times more than the first time.

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Old Myspace was mostly for teens. But, if you were promoting something that age group or demographic would like, then you might find it useful to go back to the site.

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