
What you don't like about Youtube?

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What you don't like about Youtube?

I wish Youtube were like it was five years ago. You could always find free movies to watch. Now, you have to pay for any movie you want to watch. Other things that I don't like about Youtube is how they have so many long ads at the start of videos. Though there's lots of good things about Youtube like funny videos. What are some things you dislike about Youtube?


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There are many free movies and TV clips to watch on Youtube and they are being very relaxed about what can be uploaded now. Don't wish for the old days. Just search 'full length movie' on Youtube and you will find a lot to watch.

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I like everything about YouTube. It has given me access to anything I want to know about. I don't pay to YouTube. What I pay is our monthly bill with internet connection. YouTube for me is free.

The videos that I am watching on it is free. I don't pay for the videos I watch. The ads are part of it. I believes its their way of earning. You just have to close those ads before you really want to watch fast. Ads on those videos means that the channel is very popular.

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The free movies on Youtube are not all they are cracked up to be. There are some foreign movies, but not even really good ones.

I would not recommend using Youtube for movies. You can easily get that on Netflix, very affordably.

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I think that the major thing I hate about YouTube now is the fact that it is now impossible to get to watch some videos on the site without having to pay. Also, I prefer watching such movies on the TV or downloading some of them for keep on my computer system. I'm hoping they do something about it.

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What I don’t like in YouTube is its policy on copyright. I really believe that the internet is a free zone and we can copy anything we want as long as it is not used in unethical and immoral ways. If you include a song that is copyrighted in your video then the owner of the copyright will be the one to earn from the views of your video. Isn’t that unfair to you? My point is that you are adding exposure to the song and instead of the owner of the song be grateful to you, they will shortchange you with the monetization. With that lesson, we avoid using existing songs in our video. It’s better not to have a background music instead of violating the copyright of songs.

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