
how can a post at pinterest ?

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how can a post at pinterest ?

Please, every body reply me, how to post a pinterest . thanks////////


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its very easy go to the site and post it.

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Upload a pin. To do this, click on the plus sign near the lower-right corner of the screen. A drop-down menu will appear; choose “Upload a Pin,” and a small window will appear.
Click on “Choose Image” to browse your computer for the photo you want to upload. Click the picture and then choose “Open.”

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Hello Friends, It is a Very Simple, Login your account select your board then add pin

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Create a Pinterest account. After filling your profile details create boards. You can share on pinterest in two ways, by manually uploading url or pinning directly from the site. However, in order to pin from the site, you need an active pinterest button on the site. Pinterest is all about pinning images.

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