
Should you respond to every comment on your Facebook page?

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Should you respond to every comment on your Facebook page?

Should you respond to every comment made on your Facebook or Google+ page? Would that be considered micro-management? Or, is it a good idea?


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Sure, why not. If you really care about your readers/fans, you will take the time to talk to them. It might seem like a big hassle at first, but over time, you will build a reputation for being responsive to your fans and they will reciprocate by sharing your content on their own walls. That will mean even more fans reading your posts.

A little extra time invested now in cultivating your readers loyalty will pay off later with big dividends.

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I do think that your readers would like to see a comment posted after they have posted one. It just says that you are looking over your page and that you really do care what others have to say.

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Yes I think that you should. It says that you are committed to everyone on your site.

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If you can do it then that would be great. It says that you do care and that you want others to see that.

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Being committed to your site will make others see how great your site is. If you can not respond to each and every comment, make sure that you respond every few days so others can see that you are online.

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I don't think it is possible to respond to every comment made on your Facebook page. I mean that you will come to realize how difficult it is going to be when you have many fans commenting on such a page.

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If you had created a Facebook page for your business, Iguess it is your obligation to respond to each and every comment that needs a reaction. Commenters may lose interest in your page if you ignore them. So unless the comment is not relevant to be answered, it is a must to reply in order to solidify your relationship to your page’s followers. Always remember that it is not easy to build a horde of followers and it is harder to maintain their interest.

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It depends on have relevant is the comment and if I'm not that busy. I don't reply to every comment because some comments are so insignificant that it doesn't warrant a response. But for those comments which deserves a response, I do respond whenever I'm not doing anything.

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