
Are the website title keywords or domain keywords stronger?

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Are the website title keywords or domain keywords stronger?

I know that Google always pays attention to the domain keywords, title and description, but to which keywords does it pay most attention? After all I have seen websites with poor SEO on the top, because they had the main keywords in the domain.


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Domain SEO is a big factor for the search engine result area. If you make a domain with an important keyword- than that keyword based domain address will do huge SEO for you. Secondly meta tags play an important role also for website result search engine. A website SEO cna be poor but the website which is staying first that have either unique content or keyword based article or keyword based domain.


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Having Keywords on domain is as important as having keywords in the website title. In most cases, the website title is the same as the domain name. However, sometimes the publisher decides to go with a different name for the website, or does so because he could not the domain name that he wished for and settles with different domain name.
What every the reason is it is important to have keywords in the domain name as well as website title. In my experience, search engines pays more attention to the keywords in the site title than the keywords in the domain name.

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This is how I understand the search engine crawlers. When it encounters your site it always checks the domain name first and then the keywords that it can see on the home page. But for checking your site with the keywords by the searcher the crawler will give priority to the title keywords of the web page since it is already dealing with the web page and not with the website anymore.

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