
Facebook Schedules Sharing? (No Need For Third Party?)

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Facebook Schedules Sharing? (No Need For Third Party?)

So I noticed that on Facebook you can now schedule your posts to share whenever you want, so this now happening, do you think this will put a dampener on all the Hootsuite, etc.. type services that are charging for the ability to do this? Also, do you think this was maybe the thinking behind Facebook adding this feature so that you don't have to use these other third party services?


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Yeah, for sure. Facebook doesn't like to share it's members with anyone. This new feature will really help Facebook as there might be no need to use Hootsuite or the others. They can keep more people (including page owners) on Facebook longer and the more time spent there, the more ads shown, etc.

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Im not to sure to what extent you can schedule posts, like how many can be sitting waiting to post at the one time and other things that those other services offer, but its a start for them to try get rid. Facebook Schedules Sharing? (No Need For Third Party?)

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