
Facebook privacy violations

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Facebook privacy violations

If you login to Facebook on your employer's computer does that give your employer the right to access your account? Could they violate your privacy in this way? How can you prevent such security breaches?


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Since an employer can claim anything you invent or develop, during business hours and/or using his equipment, that you invent as his own, it seems only logical that employer can also access your personal accounts if you are foolish enough to use his equipment to access them.

As long as you are on the clock and on the premises, anything you do belongs to the employer.

The only way to prevent this is to keep your private activities away from the workplace.

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I never thought about this but it makes complete sense to me. Sort of scary in a way that it would belong to the employer but like stated above if you are on their time then it could be considered theirs.

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Nope. Your employer can't store your fb login id and password, unless they specified it in agreement. If they are doing it without informing, then it is illegal!

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