
What not to share on Facebook

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What not to share on Facebook

Take a look at Facebook and it looks like a free for all of personal info from names/birthdates to personal life events and family photos. Many of these things are viewable to 'friends of friends' (some of these people you won't even know). Though Facebook has good privacy controls, some people still choose to share a little too much. Let's talk about some of the things you might not want to be sharing or saying on Facebook.


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Don't openly share your relationship problems on Facebook. It's dumb and really no one cares.

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Rants about people that can bite you in the butt later.

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I agree that personal stuff should not be shared. No one wants to see a pic of you half naked, or naked. Or at least I do not want to .

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What you think of some people. It is not right to call them out on things and then add their name to it. That is just rude and childish.

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The Facebook profile page comes complete with the bio-data of the account holder, from the address, work and educational background up to likes and dislikes. Truly Facebook is like a record of a person. However, I don’t go for filling out that form in full. I don’t share my address although for the sake of my classmates, I have indicated the schools that I had attended. One advice is not to share your birthday although for me, the birthday is not really a critical information.

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