
How to increase page rank?

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How to increase page rank?

My website no page rank. So please any idea share it.


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Use on-page and off-page seo techniques to increases the pagerank.

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check title, metatag descripton, and use proper syntax do all the need full onpage seo than start promoting your website and try to achive good backlinks than your page rank will increase.

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Page rank is no more. It is dead.

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Yes Page Rank is not more it's dead, no updating anymore.

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It won't be updated soon, so don't pay attention to it! ;)

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Do on-page and off-page properly, that can helps you to increase page rank.

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Google has stopped updating the PR value long time, so stop concentrating on PR, just concentrate on getting quality traffic.

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To increase your page rank you need create more and more quality back link for your website.

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Create quality and unique backlinks to increase page rank

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You can increase pagerank by good quality in the site/blog ,regular updates,interlinking posts,SEO methods,Good website design & uptime,social media,affiliate marketing etc.I insist that SEO is the best and steady way to improve a site's page rank.I suggest you to use the SEV(Search Engine Visibility) from as they cover many techniques like keyword and suggested topics,submit the site to over 100 search engines,submission to directories,sitemap creation and also provide reports which will eventually improve your website traffic.In short SEO is the best way to promote site and gain your desired web presence.

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To increase page rank and authority of your blog, first have a good on-page SEO and increase your traffic. Then through good link building you can increase page rank and actual ranking. But recently Google stop updating Page Rank.

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Just do manual seo and you will get page rank but its a continuous process.

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It is a system done by google algorithms like penguin, etc. There are one system of algorithms to improve your rank while others identify the spam methods and giving penalties.

To get good PR
- Improve views
- Improve the content
- Improve the on-page optimization techniques
-Try for off page seo in a safe manner too.

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1. Write Useful, Interesting, and Fresh Content
There is no better way to increase organic search traffic to your blog than to frequently write interesting and useful content.

2. Create Highly Shareable Content
Some types of content are naturally more shareable than others. For example, infographics, in-depth tutorials, embeddable images and widgets, research reports, videos, and ebooks are all easily shareable.

3. Avoid Tricks and Designs that Damage User Experience
Don't sacrifice the user experience on your blog for tricks that boost page views on your blog.

4. Create Resource and FAQ Pages
People love to link to pages that provide tons of useful information and resources. With that in mind, create resource lists on your blog that compile links to all of your best posts on specific topics in a single page on your blog along with snippets about each article.

5. Create Round-up Posts
Round-up blog posts have been used by bloggers for years to accomplish a few things: to share links to great content from other blogs and websites with your audience, to link to great blogs and websites to get on their radar screens, and to generate sharing of your own round-up posts which creates more backlinks to your blog.

6. Write and Publish Quality Guest Posts
Guest blogging is a great way to boost incoming links to your blog, but focus on publishing guest posts on quality sites that provide valuable backlinks to your blog.

7. Write for Other Blogs and Websites
Many top bloggers have something in common. They have written for other blogs and websites (and many still do) as volunteer or paid contributors.

8. Make Sure Your Blog is Search-Friendly but Not Over-Optimized
All of your efforts to build backlinks are helpful, but you won't see an increase in organic search results if you've over-optimized your blog.

9. Repurpose Your Content
Extend your blog posts by repurposing them and publishing those new versions of your content across the web.

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My website no page rank. So please any idea share it.

Page rank is dead now. That mean now you can't increase page rank.

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Page rank is not important anymore. Build more content than focusing on page rank.

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post daily article , create fresh content, thats what google want now

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Five Ways to Improve your Site’s Ranking (SEO)
Follow these suggestions, and watch your website rise the ranks to the top of search-engine results.

  1. Publish relevant content
    Quality content is the number one driver of your search engine rankings and there is no substitute for great content. Quality content created specifically for your intended user increases site traffic, which improves your site’s authority and relevance.

    Identify a keyword phrase for each page. Think about how your reader might search for that specific page (with phrases like “mechanical engineering in Michigan,” “best applied physics program,” or “Michigan Tech degrees”). Then, repeat this phrase several times throughout the page—once or twice in the opening and closing paragraphs, and two to four more times throughout the remaining content.

    Don’t forget to use bold, italics, heading tags, and other emphasis tags to highlight keyword phrases, but don’t overdo it.

    Never sacrifice good writing for SEO. The best pages are written for the user, not for the search engine.

  2. Update your content regularly
    You’ve probably noticed that we feel pretty strongly about content. Search engines do, too. Regularly updated content is viewed as one of the best indicators of a site’s relevancy, so be sure to keep it fresh.

  3. Metadata
    When designing your website, each page contains a space between the <head> tags to insert metadata, or information about the contents of your page. If you have a CMS site, the UMC web team will have pre-populated this data for you:

    • Title Metadata
      Title metadata is responsible for the page titles displayed at the top of a browser window. It is the most important metadata on your page. For those with a CMS website, the web team has developed an automated system for creating the meta title for each webpage.

    • Description Metadata
      Description metadata is the textual description that a browser will use in your page search return. Think of it as your site’s window display—a concise and appealing description of what is contained within, with the goal of encouraging people to enter.

    • Keyword Metadata
      Keyword metadata are the search phrases that people type when they want to find your page. You’ll want to include a variety of phrases. However, don’t get greedy: if your list becomes excessive, the browser may completely ignore the data. As a general rule, try to keep it to about 6-8 phrases with each phrase consisting of 1-4 words. A great example would be "computer science degree."

  4. Have a link-worthy site
    Focus on creating relevant links within the text. Instead of having “click here” links, try writing out the name of the destination. “Click here” has no search engine value beyond the attached URL, whereas “Michigan Tech Enterprise Program” is rich with keywords and will improve your search engine rankings as well as the ranking of the page you are linking to.

  5. Use alt tags
    Always describe your visual and video media using alt tags, or alternative text descriptions. They allow search engines to locate your page, which is crucial—especially for those who use text-only browsers.

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Make sure your website is optimized for the chosen keywords, this means using your keyword in headings, titles, meta description and in your content. High quality backlinks will improve your domain authority and will help your pagerank.

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I can't agree that Google doesn't count PR any more... It's a fact that they do NOT show us the result of a "possible PR update"... But what if still use it as a ranking factor? How to increase page rank?

Don't know, just telling my idea...

Well, if everybody else thinks not to pay attention to PR, I am also among them! How to increase page rank?

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If you want to rank high in search results it will need to be establish in the related field earning trust from the target audience but it will require time to produce long duration of results.

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STOP paying attention to PR. It won't be updated any more (or at least NOT in the next few years!)
Quality content is the main thing ( with videos, images, maps, poles, listings etc.) Also, don’t forget to include your keywords in the meta description.

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use on-page optimization and off-page optimization ( link building ) in SEO to increase page rank.

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Increasing the page rank involves SEO work particularly the uploading of new contents. When there is a search, the search engines check for updates on the candidate website for the search list and if it finds a website stagnant, the tendency is to downgrade the ranking and the opposite is true if the website has fresh contents. Much more, the contents should be long enough like 3 pages of word document and relevant to the niche.

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