
Click Through Rate

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Click Through Rate

How can I improve my click through rate in the search results?


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Here are the 5 simple ways to improve your search results click-through rate:

1. Write compelling titles and descriptions

(a). Title tag: This is the title of the web page. When search spiders or Googlebot crawls a fresh web page, they pick up the URL as well as the title tag and add them to their index.

i). Well-placed keyword: At the beginning of the title tag, the main keyword should appears. This is so important when you’re writing a title tag.

ii). Specified length: The title tag should be within 60 characters

iii). Compelling title tag: With having a keyword-rich title tag and adhering to a specified length, the title tag should also compelling that can grab visitors attention.

(b). Meta description: It describes what the page is about.

2. Leverage CTR #1 purpose: The only purpose of the headline is to attract the right audience. The subtitle has a definite purpose, which is to enlighten the user on the purpose of the headline.

3. Embrace a rich snippet: It helps to get 30% increase in CTR rate

4. Create clean, specific and optimized URLs

5. Target a long-tail keyword: Targeting long-tail keywords in title tags and meta descriptions works. It can increase your click-through rate.

When you do a keyword research, you have to know your core reason. And of course, high-value content will position you as the go-to expert in your industry.

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Clickthrough rate or CTR is a way of measuring the success of an online advertising campaign. A CTR is obtained by dividing the "number of users who clicked on an ad" on a web page by the "number of times the ad was delivered" (impressions). For example, if a banner ad was delivered 100 times (impressions delivered) and one person clicked on it (clicks recorded), then the resulting CTR would be 1 percent

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Click through rate (CTR) may be defined as a technique used to measure effectiveness of an online advertising campaign which may include posting link to a website or an email marketing campaign. It basically measures how many clicks a specific advertising link has. The number of clicks is important for the company in order to know how its online marketing campaign is going.

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smasif15 thanks for the guide man, really helpful Click Through Rate

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Yes twitterfavorite is exactly right.

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