
Why does Wikpedia rank so highly on Google search?

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Why does Wikpedia rank so highly on Google search?

I would like to know how to rank my pages as highly as Wikpedia for any topic that I want? What allows Wikipedia to rank so highly?


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Wikipedia is considered a leading authority by many bloggers and educational sites who regularly link back to the various pages on Wiki site. These backlinks are considered editorial in nature and likely to be more valued by Google. In return, Google considers Wikipedia to be a very socially popular site.

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You will notice how Wiki pages always rank high and you might assume that's related to the number of backlinks they receive. And, while backlinks plays a factor in Wiki ranking, it's more likely due to the heavy citations given for reference material, such as telling where each part of the page came from. In other words, a wiki article is not stand alone 'opinion' but backed up by resources.

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wikipaedia is just like a dictionary where lots of visitors come to seek meaning of words/phrases. it has been on for a very long time and contain good content and values that helps alot.

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Wikipidia is a Authority website, thats why it always rank higher.

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also in addition to what i said, it also contains a lot of do follow backlinks that act as references from where sources of information in the wikipaedia were gotten. wiki is also like a search engine like google where you can get lots of useful info about anything.

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Yes you need to concentrate on following things in wikipeadia
1. Content is high (almost all articles are more than 500 words)
2. They are very well written with nice classification
3. Always they stand with nice set of reference which are very strong
4. They are link by internal keywords
5. Most of the people link back to the wiki when they refer something
6. They do not have spammy advertising, pop ups or else
7. Domain authority is high and domain is very old.

So why do not they need to come to 1st :-)

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Yes you need to concentrate on following things in wikipeadia
1. Content is high (almost all articles are more than 500 words)
2. They are very well written with nice classification
3. Always they stand with nice set of reference which are very strong
4. They are link by internal keywords
5. Most of the people link back to the wiki when they refer something
6. They do not have spammy advertising, pop ups or else
7. Domain authority is high and domain is very old.

So why do not they need to come to 1st Why does Wikpedia rank so highly on Google search?

with all these listed which are very true, they surely deserve to be an high authority site.

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Good internal link structure and link authority. So many webmasters link to wikipedia as a reference.

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I would like to say that, wikipedia is not a commercial, its non-profit organization and provides great information for the user. And Google shows its wikipedia based on the search query, whether the query deserves wiki, news, shopping, informative sites. For example - you cannot see wiki page for "apple iphone" query, you can see wiki page for "Iphone". These two queries are different, google decides by algo and shows result accordingly.

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Wikipedia ranks high because -> Wikipedia is an authority sites+ Moderated by highly knowledgeable editors + Non profit organization + some more Why does Wikpedia rank so highly on Google search?

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Because the website has a really high Domain and Page Authority! Why does Wikpedia rank so highly on Google search?

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I would like to say that, wikipedia is not a commercial, its non-profit organization and provides great information for the user. And Google shows its wikipedia based on the search query, whether the query deserves wiki, news, shopping, informative sites. For example - you cannot see wiki page for "apple iphone" query, you can see wiki page for "Iphone". These two queries are different, google decides by algo and shows result accordingly.

sure, you are very right about this.thanks so much. note that most links on Wikipedia are no-follow and rarely do-follow. maybe that is why one cannot see any wiki links for any subject queried on Google. but one good thing about no-follow is that it generates lots of traffic as well.

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Wikipedia is a trusted and authoritative site with a relevant content and a huge number of quality backlinks. I think the right question is how did Wiki gained such authority but not why it still ranks high in Google.

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Wikipedia is a user-generated content site. Unlike Encyclopedia Briticinna, the articles are not written by experts, however, the facts on wikipedia are backed by citation and references. Therefore, many people consider Wikipedia to be an authoritative source of information. These people give backlinks to wikipedia. Generally speaking, backlinks are the major strategies for page rank.
Secondly, Google gives more importance to dor org domains and non profit websites. Therefore, wikipedia always rank high.
It is very ublikely to beat wikipedia on generic keywords, however, if you use niche keywords, you can outrank wikipedia. You may not outrank wikipedia on the keyword "Mount Everest," however, if you use keywords such as "deaths in everest" everest base camp trek" etc. you can easily outrank wikipedia.

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Wikipedia is in the top 10 of all websites in the internet with the highest traffic. Aside from its potency with traffic, it has so many new contents every minute because almost anyone can place content in Wikipedia. That’s why there is a saying that not all you see in Wikipedia is fact simply because it may have been added by a user just for a prank. Anyway, the new contents of Wikipedia makes it high in the ranking not only of Google but in all search engines.

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