
How many characters can be used in meta title?

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How many characters can be used in meta title?

Please tell How many characters can be used in meta title?
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>Meta title tag- 55characters
>Meta Description tag-115characters

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Title tag - 70 char max
Meta Desc - 160 char max/

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Up to 70 characters... But try to make it also readable and interestng for people! ;)

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60 Character is better, Meta Descriptions 150 to 160 Characters good not more then it.

Title Tips:- Use always Primary & secondary keywords in Title, in Meaning full way. Start Title always from the Main Primary Keywords.

Descriptions:- Start the Descriptions with Main Primary Keywords and use 2 times in the descriptions. Something Interesting and meaningful.

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Meta title should be within 50-60characters

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Use 2-3 word title with relavance, You will there

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The maximum meta title characters are usually 70 characters.

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I would suggest create Title tag between 50 to 60 characters and for meta description ratio is around 150 characters.

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