
What Matt Cutts says about duplicate content

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What Matt Cutts says about duplicate content

Matt Cutts is the head of search spam at google. He has some pretty interesting things to say about duplicate content. We have all heard that content is king and should always be unique and fresh. But did you know that 25 to 30% of the content on the internet is duplicate? We have all worried all the time that if we have duplicate content, our site will either not do as well or we will be penalized or wont rank high. However, Matt Cutts shared some interesting things about duplicate content.

Cutts states that you do not need to worry about your site having repetitive or duplicate content. He says that google does not see it as spam. However, do not start jumping for joy right now over this. Did you also know that google only will show or wants to show one of those pages that have the duplicate content in their search engine results. And what are the chances that it will be your page? Hard to answer depending on how many pages are indexed with the same content that you have used. Also while google does not care if you have the duplicate content, if you keep using duplicate content, google can and will penalize you for it.

So how is it decided what will go no the search results page? Matt will take all the duplicates and cluster them into one group. Google will then decide which one is going to be used for the page.


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Duplicate content is never a good thing from the point of view of your reader who will have to suffer through the same copied content they found on another site. It's good when Google adheres to their own policies to determine where an article was first published rather than selecting the most popular site to award search engine position to.

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Yeah, I watched his video about this where he said that. He was talking about info pages like Linux Man pages online which resulted in a ton of duplicate content. Nice article!

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That's why I strongly believe that writers should have a true passion for writing and not just a passion for trying to make a couple bucks. You do not have to be a Noble Prize winner but you must have good original quality content that captures the reader and in order to do so you must love what you are writing about.

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I don't care what matt says about duplicate content. It is wrong to have and no one wants to see the same stuff over and over again. Original is what we crave!

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Panda update was related to content purely, I say duplicate content or thin content, but this update was withdrawn because there are news sites, feed sites etc.. where duplicate content related stuffs are there.. so it is hard for Google to ban duplicate content related sites.

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That's why I strongly believe that writers should have a true passion for writing and not just a passion for trying to make a couple bucks. You do not have to be a Noble Prize winner but you must have good original quality content that captures the reader and in order to do so you must love what you are writing about.

Yes I agree with you. Writers should be passionate about what they write! I know that I am.

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