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Hi there to you all,i need help with SEO
I build a website but i cant optimalise the SEO
To less knowledge i guess.. and im a noob in HTML,CSS etc..
A guy generated 4000 backlinks to my site..
I dont know how this all works..
So who can help me setting up with this all.???
so that my shop at least has some visitors,now none what so ever...

Gues im doing something wrong here SOS SEO

Let me know



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4000 backlinks on new website is useless if you didn't make onpage SEO and so on.

Start with on-seo factors, make sure your pages are indexed, than start slowly with quality bookmarks and in few weeks you are good to go with quality backlinks.

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And how i get indexed ?? were i get indexed ?

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That man backlinks to a new site could get you penalized. I'm guessing they were low quality, automated links?

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i have no idea from it ?? it could be that they are low quality

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To be honest, I don’t understand about that 4,000 backlinks that you don’t know about. Maybe the guy was spamming your site. Anyway, for a better SEO capability of your site, my suggestion is for you to write good contents which are directly related to the niche of your website. Uploading good contents regularly will give your website good influence to the search engines. And that will result in giving your website a good position in the search list results.

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