
First steps of SEO?

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First steps of SEO?

What's the first thing you should do as a new site owner for SEO, that will help you actually get indexed and ranked on Google Search?


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Keyword Analysing is the first step for doing seo

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After keyword research, I would write content and post on my website, would create sitemap, submit sitemap and would start developing content and links slowly.

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On Page SEO is the First Steps of SEO

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I agree that you need to first decide what your keywords will be after you know what your project will be about. Then you need to get that content so it is wonderful and it will work wonders for you.

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The first step to SEO begins in searching profitable keywords to target and at the same time spying the competition of the keyword you select to target.
Searching a profitable keyword is just like finding a market where you can make profit and spying the competition is knowing what the characteristics are of that market.
After that everything becomes clear like: what your content should be, how to construct your pages etc., how many backlinks you are to build with which anchor texts and from which domains, etc.

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High quality content that is unique and original. Never used copied content!

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Getting indexed by google is very easy! You need to create your site, and within 48 hrs. google will index your site. First steps of SEO? To get good rank, you need to concentrate on content, on-page seo (like page loading time, header, etc.) and off-page seo (like getting backlinks).

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Keywords research and analysis.

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Good SEO starts even before you write the first word on your homepage. Before starting your site, you need to identify the keywords you'll want to target and then make sure everything on your pages supports that. Don't forget to use proper linking and navigation and other hidden factors on your template such as meta description/title that could help Google Search more properly classify your site.

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at least after chosing right domain, seo onpage, offpage u need fast indexed, like url's and backlinks url's so i sell my service in my thread , if u need fast indexed under 1 week

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and the last, ping all your url's with mass ping and google fetch to

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I always write content based on keyword researched..... so I would research the keyword first at starting point, would write content on the keyword then I would do proper on-page optimization.

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so let me explain again, first u must choose your domain, keyword on Domain (KOD) or branded domain second seo onpage chose template full seo friendly navigation, sitemap, etc, make sure your template with H1, H2,H3, fast loading no more than 4 seconds(this very important), build your article with not more than 3% density keywords, last promo make build baclink with blogwalking ex socmed,forum,edu,gov....finaly your website not only page one but all page your website in google

if still difficult in number one posisition, u must have many zombie blogspot (dumy blogs)with huge backlinks, so that dumy blogs can help increase position on google (link whell method)

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First, I identify the target audience or niche, then compare my domain name options to profitable keywords, creating a domain name based on that information. I then create content using profitable keywords that match the tone my target audience or niche uses.

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it is ensuring that your website articles are in right format. like H1 titles, have H2 or other headings. create sitemap and submit into webmaster tools.

dont try to cheat google by suffing article by keywords.

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First step will be to write good content and never think about earning or building backlinks for your site. Once you have decent traffic, start SEO and selling links ;)

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and the last, ping all your url's with mass ping and google fetch to

What do you mean by google fetch to it? When you ping your urls, it means you are inviting google crawler to crawl your page for updated content. it will obviously fetch latest content.

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I am not really sure of this but my focus is on the contents of the website since the content is the building block of the website. As what I always say, without content, the website is nothing even if the layout and design are pretty good. For a new website, it is imperative that you frequently post good contents in order to fortify your website when it comes to the ranking game of the search engines. Of course, it is all right if you include the keywords for the contents to at least broaden your horizon regarding the SEO capability of your website.

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