
Does Google count social signals on Facebook or Twitter?

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Does Google count social signals on Facebook or Twitter?

Of course, Google counts social signals for Google+ (circles, posts, shares, etc) and even lists those in search results by the site. But does Google even track or take into consideration social shares of Facebook posts or tweets? There is no mention of these in Google results, are they factored into search engine position?


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As Facebook, Twitter these are very popular so they are easily tracked by Google and social signal can be considered.. so in your link building profile you must use top social networking sites for better result.

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Google recognizes social signals from facebook, twitter and other social networks. Social signals are the likes, reshares, upvote on the social media. People also trust the content more if it has many social signals. Social signals have positive effect on google ranking. Google considers number of things while raking a website or web page and social signals are one of them. Even though Google does not rank social media shares, it will always recognize the social signals from any of social media, including facebook and twitter.

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I have learned from several discussions that social signals are now recognized by search engines just like backlinks. If you will analyze the social signal versus the backlink, they are practically the same except that the social signal is a backlink posted in social media network. And since there is no difference in the function and benefit of social media against backlinks then the search engines are now being fair to them.

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