
What do you improve your web by write a blog?

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What do you improve your web by write a blog?

I am a rookie in seo and i am confused about blog.I am working in a mandarin school in shanghai, and i create the language learning blogs but i can not find useful so i am so confused. Should i build blogs or not? If you were me ,what do you guys do about building your blogs?
If you have some good ideas or experience ,please share with me.
Many thx!


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By writing a blog we get some comments ,from that we get more backlinks to our website.

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I've had great success creating and using blogs. A blog is a very good way to provide constantly updated information. Unlike a website which usually has static HTML pages (which often have to be downloaded to be edited and then uploaded again); a blog can be updated online. You can provide quick snippets of information to your readers or more detailed articles and tutorials about your subject. Google loves blogs as they are constantly being updated. Just be sure to get a few high quality links back from reputable sites so new posts will be more easily found.

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You created a language learning blog, but do not know how to use it? Well, why did you create your blog in the first place? You say you are a teacher. You can use your blog to publish lessons and ask your students to check lessons on the blog. In this way, you can create traffic and readership on your blog. You may even launch an online classroom through your blog. You can even make money from your blog.

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A site's overall size and activity level is a factor for SEO and search results page ranking. So, while not the only way, a blog is the most common way to build a large and active website.Another way could be a forum (like this one) and user-generated content. A website like Amazon does it by selling everything ever created, allowing merchants to add products and create their own sections, and with customers adding reviews, videos, and images.

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I didn't quite get tis but if you're referring to creating a blog for language teaching, I will say you should go ahead and create one.Just good and valuable content which will be most beneficial to the students and refer them to the blog to learn then you can monetize it later to help you.

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I am also confused with your term “not find it useful.” If you mean there are no readers of your blog then you need to promote your blog. Go to social media, create an account if you don’t have an existing one and post about your website. In your post, make it creative as to stir the interest of the reader so they will click on the link of your blog and eventually read what you had written. Some website owners, particularly the bloggers, think that putting up their website is automatic in getting traffic. No, you need to market your website to get readers.

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