
Losing position on google

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Losing position on google

Hello all, Im basicly in panic! As I see my site is loosing its rank position on google. On selected keywords I do know that my site is more relevant than the other pages that are placed higher than me. Also I was placed as no. 1 on some of my keywords for like 5-6 months ago.

So what should I do? And better yet, what can I do? Is there some idiot bulletproof guidelines that can explain me why my site is loosing its rank on google.

Thank you very much.


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You may have been doing something that upset google's algorithm. I have also been affected by the penguin update due to it and I think its because I'm stuffing keywords on every page of my site. I started removing some of the keywords in the meta tag and make the articles as if its not optimized for search engine and now I'm gradually recovering my rank. This might also work for you.

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Like seoguy said, you must be doing something that google think is weird or against their rules. But you can't forget they upgrades to p10 so being able to maintain the same rating is really good right now. Most people lost a page rank of 1.

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The ranking on SEO depends not only your site but also on the other sites which are practically your competitors. When they are doing good SEO methods and you are stagnating, it is only logical for your rank to slide down. What you can do is to fight back by doing your own SEO methods regularly. Optimize your web pages, rejuvenate your keywords and most of all, post new contents that are original and unique. That will put you on even footing with your competitors.

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