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Webopedia is an encyclopedic resource (with built in site search engine) that lets you search technology related terminology and computer definitions. With Webpedia you can easily learn about any internet or computer related term. A very good search engine for finding solutions to tech/computer related issues.


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I have used it before and it is nice. I encourage others to use it as I am sure that they will find it useful.

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Ralph I will have to take your advice on this one. I have never used it before but it sounds nice.

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Ohh.. I didn't visit it in the past... What's this website about? Webopedia

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Is this the new wikipedia ? Webopedia

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No, Luka. Webopedia is an online dictionary and Internet search engine for information technology and computing definitions. ;)
Wikipedia remains Wikipedia and is a free encyclopedia containing more than 32 million articles in 280 languages.

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This is the first time that I’ve heard of Webopedia which is more for the technical terms. I remember when I joined an essay contest about technology sometime in the 1990s. I did not win but I was given a consolation prize of a technical dictionary for computers. That was really a great reward for my effort in joining because there was no internet yet and the simple term IT was no popular yet.

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