
If Google search results are so relevant...

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If Google search results are so relevant...

... then why are they constantly showing me outdated results from 2007 and before? Would seem that Google could delete older results from my search results without me having to ask. Those posts are most likely riddled with inaccurate information anyway.


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Tommy Matalino
This could still be relevant to your search keywords but it's not the thing you are looking for.

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I think the relevance is the priority of Google and that is the reason why I am finding Google’s search list with more relevant links than the other search engine’s search list. But when I need to find the recent events then I add the date to my search. An example is finding the contestants of the 2013 Miss Universe pageant then I will include the year 2013 so I would be given a more relevant list.

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Yes Google shows relevant result about any keyword than other search engine. And Google spider everyday update their database so you can see result changes daily for your keywords.

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Tommy Matalino
Yes Google shows relevant result about any keyword than other search engine. And Google spider everyday update their database so you can see result changes daily for your keywords.

I think the update depends on how often you update your sites. Am I right?

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The office website of my husband has the same issue. Sometimes a search would yield the link to the old version of the website in another address. From what they know, that website was already deleted since it was a long time ago. They already informed Google but nothing happened. Now they are still wondering how to have that link removed from the Google search list.

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