
How to use Google for comparison searches

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How to use Google for comparison searches

You can easily find sites that compare two things, by using the search term with "better than" and find similar items with "reminds me of".

For instance:

"better than _keyword_"
" similar to keyword"

Use quotes for a more specific search and replace the 'keyword' with your search term of choice.


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This is a very good tool for anyone doing comparison shopping or research at Christmas time. This might be a good way to save money too as Google would show you all the alternatives for a specific product you might want.

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You could also use this comparison tool to find a hotel that is similar or better than another. Do you know if this is actually plugged into their shopping search engine or is this only for non shopping related searches?

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Now I will compare everything in google before i buy some stuffs. Thanks for the share

-Bajra Team

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