
Google News on Facebook

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Google News on Facebook

Facebook has indicated they might block Google from indexing their pages. But, it seems that Google News has a Facebook page. Is this real? Is it possible that Google and Facebook can co-exist?


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I too heard rumors about fb blocking google pages. But when I think, logically facebook can't do it, as it is a social networkinf site where everyone/company can have there own pages by FB policies Google News on Facebook

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I too heard rumors about fb blocking google pages. But when I think, logically facebook can't do it, as it is a social networkinf site where everyone/company can have there own pages by FB policies Google News on Facebook

Google has their own page, probably to combat Facebook's attempt to take traffic away from them by blocking.

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Do you really think google traffic is dependent on facebook pages ? I mean common, how can google (a search engine) traffic be dependent on a social networking site ?

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Do you really think google traffic is dependent on facebook pages ? I mean common, how can google (a search engine) traffic be dependent on a social networking site ?

I just think it's fun how Google News would have a page on Facebook when Google owns their own social networking site.

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Google owns g+, isn't ? Also, the google news page on fb could signify that google wants users to be aware of news and they don't care about the platform Google News on Facebook. In short, google wants people to be aware. What do you think ?

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Google owns g+, isn't ? Also, the google news page on fb could signify that google wants users to be aware of news and they don't care about the platform Google News on Facebook. In short, google wants people to be aware. What do you think ?

Yeah, they own Google+ and the 'news' of that site is very interesting to read. I'm sure Google is just using Facebook as another source to get new traffic and users. It's a smart move, who can fault Google for diversifying?

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Do you really think google traffic is dependent on facebook pages ? I mean common, how can google (a search engine) traffic be dependent on a social networking site ?

NO there is not a way for this to happen. They are not dependent on them. But it is funny that they do have a fb page.

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NO there is not a way for this to happen. They are not dependent on them. But it is funny that they do have a fb page.

It's sweet irony how the bitter Google/Facebook rivals would now be eagerly using each other's sites. I'm sure Facebook has their own Google+ page too.

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Will google ever be able to see the messages that we are sending others?

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Evie good question that you ask. I am not sure if they will be able to or not. I would hope not as that is really invading your privacy.

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I can not see why google would not want their page indexed. Have they decided yet if they are going to index them or if they will not?

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I too heard rumors about fb blocking google pages. But when I think, logically facebook can't do it, as it is a social networkinf site where everyone/company can have there own pages by FB policies Google News on Facebook

Good point. there is no reason why they both can not exist on there, and it is pretty great that google does have their own fb page.

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I see no reason why the two can not coexist. I mean so far so good right?

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I just think it's fun how Google News would have a page on Facebook when Google owns their own social networking site.

Maybe they do this for more publicity to their own social networking site? Wonder if it has attracted many from Facebook?

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I guess I do not understand why they would want to block them from them? What is the reasoning for this?

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Sure they can co-exist. They have been doing it for a while now;)

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Sure I would say that they could. Seems to me that they have been doing it for a while now!

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Do you really think google traffic is dependent on facebook pages ? I mean common, how can google (a search engine) traffic be dependent on a social networking site ?

I really do not think that they would be dependent on their traffic. I would see no reason for them to be dependent on them.

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