
Google blocking all keyword search info

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Google blocking all keyword search info

About 2 years ago google made logged in user keyword search data private. This month (on the 24th) they made ALL keyword search data private.

This means you can't see keyword searches in analytics anymore.

It seems google will go to no end to screw us SEOs. What do you think of this latest ploy by Google?


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Oh, I smell #conspiracy! Google blocking all keyword search info But I do have a question though..

You say it's private but then you say "this means you can see it in analytics" ?

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Ooops, should be "can't" - changed.

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Ooops, should be "can't" - changed.

We all love typos! xD

I wonder why Google made that move..

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I am sorry but I cant get it. I am still able to see searched keywords for my website in Google Analytics.

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Well google does like to screw us all over. If they did not, what would we have to post about, lol.

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