
Is SEO only for Google?

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Is SEO only for Google?

I have noticed that most SEO techniques all points to Google. Is SEO only for Google?


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Since most people use Google, most of your traffic will come from there, assuming you do SEO and rank well. So you'll want to do SEO for Google

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Seo is for any search engine.

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Seo is for any search engine.

If you do SEO for Google, you're likely to attract some traffic from the other search engines. Though supposedly, Bing is more focused on content driven sites and uses bounce rate to determine placement of sites in their search engine, not just backlinks.

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Tommy Matalino
Are there any techniques made specially for other search engines such as BING or Yahoo?

Though supposedly, Bing is more focused on content driven sites and uses bounce rate to determine placement of sites in their search engine, not just backlinks.

Bounce rate? How do they calculate that?

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Are there any techniques made specially for other search engines such as BING or Yahoo?

Bounce rate? How do they calculate that?

A bounce is when a person clicks through from the search engine link onto a page and then clicks back to the search results.

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Tommy Matalino
A bounce is when a person clicks through from the search engine link onto a page and then clicks back to the search results.

Does closing the window affects the bounce rate?

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Does closing the window affects the bounce rate?

Oh! Very good question. I've only read about bounce rates as when the person clicks back to search engines. I'm assuming there is no way for a search engine to know how long you stayed on the page if you don't click back. The theory is probably that a person won't abandon their search results if they don't find what they want.

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Tommy Matalino
That's what I also read. But I haven't read anything on how the "closing of windows" affect the site's bounce rate...
Hopefully, someone could enlighten us in this matter.

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I'm assuming there is no way for a search engine to know how long you stayed on the page if you don't click back.Google is best for SEO.


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seo for all search engines, the most popular is google

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Tommy Matalino
I'm assuming there is no way for a search engine to know how long you stayed on the page if you don't click back.

Don't they get data from Google Analytics installed on your site?

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SEO is for all search engines

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Tommy Matalino
SEO is for all search engines

But we all know that they all have different algorithms, right? So how different are the techniques used in each one?

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But we all know that they all have different algorithms, right? So how different are the techniques used in each one?

Bing is the only search engine that i've read where they specifically stated their dislike of high bounce rate. Though it might probably be assumed that all search engines count that as a strike against your site's quality.

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Google is more popular search engine in time.

So always people want to SEO for Google.

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Google is the major player on the market, so it's fair to say that you deal mainly with him. The rest of the search engines are not that important.

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Google is the major player on the market, so it's fair to say that you deal mainly with him. The rest of the search engines are not that important.

Also, if you are targeting Google, you're likely to be included in other search engines by default.

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Tommy Matalino
Google is the major player on the market, so it's fair to say that you deal mainly with him. The rest of the search engines are not that important.

But there are still many people using search engines aside from Google, right? So what about it? Does that mean we will forget about them? How's the potential visitors?

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What is the percentage of your traffic coming from yahoo, bing, baidu, yandex etc. Once you optimize good for Google, yahoo and the rest will index you even though you will not be the leading website in the field.

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No, SEO is not only for Google. If you are promoting a website for a specific search engine then definitely your ranking would be effected in that search engine. Quality SEO work is appreciated in every search engine.

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Tommy Matalino
No, SEO is not only for Google. If you are promoting a website for a specific search engine then definitely your ranking would be effected in that search engine. Quality SEO work is appreciated in every search engine.

You mean if one concentrates on Google, they won't get rankings from Yahoo, or vice versa? Is that true?

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Hi,Bing is the only search engine that i've read where they specifically stated their dislike of high bounce rate. Though it might probably be assumed that all search engines count that as a strike against your site's quality.

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Tommy Matalino
Hi,Bing is the only search engine that i've read where they specifically stated their dislike of high bounce rate. Though it might probably be assumed that all search engines count that as a strike against your site's quality.

Can you link us to that article or post? I want to read more about this.

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I have noticed that most SEO techniques all points to Google. Is SEO only for Google?

No No its not right, SEO is for all users but Google is the best and fast browser that's why we can that
Google is best search engine for seo.

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Tommy Matalino
Google is the best and fast browser that's why we can that

You mean Google Chrome? So you are saying we do SEO for Google Chrome? Is that what you meant?

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Can you link us to that article or post? I want to read more about this.

wow! That's annoying! He completely copied everything i said one page ago. Is SEO only for Google?

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Tommy Matalino
wow! That's annoying! He completely copied everything i said one page ago. Is SEO only for Google?

Damn. Why didn't I noticed that you've got the same reply...

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compare to other search engines google is best search engine.

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SEO is for any search engine but most of traffic get from google that's why people asked SEO is only for google

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SEO is for search engines but majority for online business owners, they want their websites more visible on Google than the other major search engines like Bing and Yahoo. Also, the big market is on Google and that's the reason why.

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Yes, we do SEO for all search engines, but it seems mostly we just care about how our sites are ranked in Google result. It seems if they can rank high in Google, they also have high position in other SEs.

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I think there are a few reasons.

1. Google has 2/3's of domestic search traffic.
2. Google users, depending on your niche, may have better demographics.
3. Typically Google results have higher conversions.
4. Gone are the days where you build different site for each search engine. Therefore if you are going to optimize for one SE, Google is the one to work on.

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SEO is for all users but Google is the best and fast browser. It seems if they can rank high in Google.

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SEO is not only for Google, you can have more benfits from SEO such as product promotion get up in yahoo, bind and etc.

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No it's more then just for Google, often times its for all of the search engine. The only bad part is Google makes more work to get better results, but when you do that with so much SEO it makes your rating actually go down. But a master SEO person should be able to get the best of both worlds.

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Yes, me too i think we can do SEO with all search engines, but Google is the best one for it.

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IMHO, Google "owns" the Internet... When most people say search engine, they assume Google, when we think SEO, we assume ranking in Google. Come on, people, how many of you here use Bing or Yahoo to search for info?

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I am totally agree with monk. Before choosing search engine, one should choose the market first in which he want to do business. If your maximum audience go for local search engine then I think no need to go for Google same as china and Russia except Google is not popular there. Now one more think why Google because there is no other search engine like Google on the planet.

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I know people who make millions from Bing and Yahoo by seo'ing them like crazy

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Yes, seo is for all search engine. But to rank your site you have to make maximum plan only for google. A site get maximum traffic for google. So first google then other search engine.

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Yes, seo is for all search engine. But to rank your site you have to make maximum plan only for google. A site get maximum traffic for google. So first google then other search engine.

Keep in mind not to transform you website only for search engines' bots as then you will loose human traffic.

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ya.. almost people want to rank their website in google only.

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ya.. almost people want to rank their website in google only.

That's a true fact and that's happening because he is the major player in the advertisement area.

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Keep in mind not to transform you website only for search engines' bots as then you will loose human traffic.

Google's main goal is to serve the search engine user better and that means serving up relevant sites that meet their interests. Design and publish for the reader and search engine traffic will follow.

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Nope! SEO is for all search engines. But the fact is that almost people search using Google that’s why they consider Google while SEO’ing. But it is also beneficial in Yahoo and Bing as well.

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You mean Google Chrome? So you are saying we do SEO for Google Chrome? Is that what you meant?

Please don’t go wrong. SEO is never browser oriented. So forget about chrome.

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I have noticed that most SEO techniques all points to Google. Is SEO only for Google?

Yes, because there are many people using the Google Search Engine..Which is maintain their standards Very User-friendly & Uniquely..

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Please don’t go wrong. SEO is never browser oriented. So forget about chrome.

Though there are some nice SEO related extensions that you can use on Chrome. As you say, SEO relates to search engines not browser use.

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Most of peoples are use more traffic you can get on google.

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Nope! SEO is for all search engines. But the fact is that almost people search using Google that’s why they consider Google while SEO’ing. But it is also beneficial in Yahoo and Bing as well.

Actually, Google is becoming more interested in sites that serve the purpose of the human reader, rather than strictly cater to search engines. Their focus on rewarding blogs/sites with high quality (wiki, indepth) content is evidence; especially when these sites often outrank other sites that have more backlinks but lower quality content.

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Yes SEO is only for google and we easily do seo in google

Google keeps updating their algorithm, saying that it's making search results better; but I still find spam results in my Google searches. So easy to trick your way into search engines, even now, which is really not fair to the webmaster or blogger who just wants to write quality material and get a few good backlinks.

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Its not like that , but the Google is king of internet and most popular among human beings. That is why all talk about google and strategies are made remembering Google's algorithms.

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Hmmm.. All webmasters are working for get rank in Google bcoz the Google has a large database and mo0st of people are using Google to get info. or business success.

internet marketing

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Tommy Matalino
Google keeps updating their algorithm, saying that it's making search results better; but I still find spam results in my Google searches. So easy to trick your way into search engines, even now, which is really not fair to the webmaster or blogger who just wants to write quality material and get a few good backlinks.

Because, there are people who want to trick Google and earn some quick cash before they are caught. It's kinda sad though since, like you said, there are people who work day and night to get Google's attention.

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No SEO is not only for Google, you can use other search engine also but Google is best for SEO it gives more traffic and also index pages frequently.

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It depends on you what people are you going to target for your business or where you want to promote your business. Because if you are living in US and you choose baidu to promote your business then you will get nothing in comparison of google. All the people of US are regular user of google in comparison of baidu. So they will search on google what they need. But same case is used in China then ans will be vice versa.

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As SEO we do work for all major search engines but as google is most popular. upto 70% uses google for finding something on internet thus our most of work is automatically related to google.

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seo for all search engine

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No SEO not only for google. It is for all search engine. But We give best priority for google because it is biggest and powerful search engine.

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No SEO not only for google. It is for all search engine. But We give best priority for google because it is biggest and powerful search engine.

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unfortunately, seo mean google Is SEO only for Google?

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All the search engines have their own algorithm so if your SEO trick works for Google it doesn't mean that it would work for Yahoo and Bing as well.

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Most SEO techniques point to Google because Google is the most used search engine. However, SEO is not just for Google, as it clearly says search engine optimization, SEO is for other search engines as well. When you are doing SEO, you should not just focus on Google but also for other search engines. Baidu is a popular search engine in China, if you optimize for Baidu, you can get Chinese traffic. Bing and Yahoo are other popular search engines, if you optimize for Bing and Yahoo, you will get visitors who use these search engines.

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You are right with the popularity of Google that when the term search engine is mentioned some people think that it is Google be default. I know of some oldies who think that Google is the only search engine. Anyway the acronym SEO means search engine optimization so it is clear that the optimization is for the search engines and not only for Google otherwise it will be GO to mean Google optimization.

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There are many search engines that are location based for instance, Baidu is popular in China, Yandex is popular in Russia, Former Soviet Unions and Russian speaking countries. If you focus only on Google, you will not be receiving traffic from Russia or China.

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