
Removing bad press/reviews from Google

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Removing bad press/reviews from Google

What if you find bad reviews on your site or products on Google search? Can you ask that those reviews be removed? What strategy would you use to keep the bad reviews from ranking well for your targeted keywords?


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I do not think that you can have them removed. People have a right to say what they want to say.

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This is really difficult task to do.

what you can do is you can contact owner of the website and request to remove.. try to explain about your business and convince about it..

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I do not think that you can have them removed. People have a right to say what they want to say.

But what if someone is purposefully posting a bad review about your product or service on a review site, when they have never used it?

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But what if someone is purposefully posting a bad review about your product or service on a review site, when they have never used it?

Good point, if someone just posts it to be mean or something like that, then yes you can have a right to have it removed. But how do you really know if they have not used it?

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But what if someone is purposefully posting a bad review about your product or service on a review site, when they have never used it?

In this case nothing can be said!

There is one more thing that is you competitors put your website link on spam related sites.. this is really very dangerous..

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It is really too bad when someone has to stoop to that level and leave a bad review if they have never used the product before.

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