
Traffic on Bing

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Traffic on Bing

How do I get substantial traffic from Bing?


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I rank number one for a keyword that gets a lot of searches on google and I barely get a trickle of traffic from bing. I just don't think the traffic is there for technical terms.

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The high ranking that you get in Google does not necessarily equate to the ranking that you will get in other search engines. The result can also be in the reverse that your site gets to be number 1 in Bing and it gets a lower ranking in Google. But compared with a giant like Google I think you can get much lesser traffic from Bing because the number of searchers are lesser than the number of searchers in Google.

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Tommy Matalino
I just don't think the traffic is there for technical terms.

Do we have any data as to how many users of Bing there are, compared to Google?

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And, how can you optimize for Bing searches? Is it the same process as Google SEO?

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I would say concentrate on onpage seo. I've read at many places that bing gives more importance to onpage seo and google gives importance to offpage.

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I was also ranking good in Bing but when I focused on Google's algorithm my ranking is dropped from Bing..

So I have to choose one Google or Bing or Yahoo.. of course I would chose Google but it has lots of competition, lots of fluctuation in algorithm changes too.

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I guess the reason for that could be that you aren't doing onpage seo. When you are doing seo for your site, you have to do onpage and pffpage seo. Otherwise there is possibility of your site ranking getting deproved in google too !

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You need to do sustained SEO work on your website to get traffic not only from Bing but also from all the other search engines. The first in the list of priorities is the fresh content that you upload to your website. Don’t forget to put quality keywords on the web page when uploading the contents. Perhaps you can also spread the backlinks of your website by posting the same in other websites that are popular.

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