
What is your idea of deceptive advertising?

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What is your idea of deceptive advertising?

If an advertisement promises one thing and delivers another, then I would consider it to be deceptive advertising. And, this holds true even when receiving freelance services. If the seller says they can give me something for a set price, they should be able to do just that. What's your idea of deceptive advertising?


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Deceptive advertising is not only frowned upon, it's also illegal and can get you into serious trouble.

If you say that you are going to deliver A and then deliver B type service or product, then you could be in violation of some local or federal law governing trade in your area. There could be penalties.

You should take time to familiarize yourself with all local laws concerning selling online and offline before becoming a merchant.

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advertising that makes false claims or misleading statements, as well as advertising that creates a false impression. If retailers systematically advertise merchandise at low prices to get customers into their stores and then fail to have the merchandise, they are guilty of deceptive advertising.
some laws and some locations in countries that not allowed it. You should take time to familiarize yourself with all local laws concerning selling online and offline before becoming a merchant.

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As a seller it is not recommended to use this form of advertising. Otherwise you may face difficult time due to your deceptive advertising in future.

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Deceptive advertising mean false advertising.if seller offers some product but he gave another product with out informing you...This is cheating...This is illegal in India and all other countries.if any seller offer this type of service in seocheckout. you contact the staff member.

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I have seen a lot of deceptive advertising and the best example is an herbal product. Go to an herbal store and pick any herbal packet of your choice. Read the blurb that says drinking that herbal tea will prevent such and such diseases as if you will have a long healthy life. But at the bottom there is the government’s requirement for the warning with the phrase “No Approved Therapeutic Claims.” That’s clearly deceptive advertising.

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