
Swearing or indecent language on a forum that has Adsense

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Swearing or indecent language on a forum that has Adsense

A fellow webmaster friend of mine says his forum's Adsense account was suspended because Google Adsense said he allowed "crude or indecent language" on the forum. Is this a common thing where a site can get it's Adsense suspended over use of language?


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Google prefers family friendly sites for their ads. Be sure your site conforms and you should have no trouble.

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I think that it is pretty common. Google does not like that sort of language I do know this.

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No one likes a forum really that used crude language. We all want to feel invited not offended.

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I agree with Tangee on this. Why swear on these forums? What are you really proving?

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I agree with Tangee on this. Why swear on these forums? What are you really proving?

Nothing really except that you do not sound very nice at all. Or intelligent.

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I agree with Tangee on this. Why swear on these forums? What are you really proving?

On most webmaster forums, it's rare to see harsh language being used. But on many gamer forums, use of this type of language is very common. Maybe it's because there are many teens using the forum and they don't really think it's offensive.

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I am not sure how common it is but I can see why adsense would want to do this. They have rules and regulations and do not want to step the boundary in instances.

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