
Encouraging ad clicks on Adsense

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Encouraging ad clicks on Adsense

I'm sure everyone knows it's against Adsense TOS to ask or encourage your site visitors to click on the Adsense ads, but webmasters still do it. What would you do if you found a site where they encouraged you to click on the Adsense ads? Would you report or just leave?


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Many sites like to hide their ads under buttons so the user clicks on the ad unknowingly or accidentally. Getting people to actually want to stare at an ad is harder and harder.

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Many sites like to hide their ads under buttons so the user clicks on the ad unknowingly or accidentally. Getting people to actually want to stare at an ad is harder and harder.

That sounds blackhat. Couldn't you get your Adsense account banned for this type of activity?

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Yes you can get banned for it. I have never done it before but I have run into it several times. People seem to be sneakier every day.

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Here's a question I'd like you to answer. Why would anyone report that except because of pure evil? This is what every with-no-reason frustrated snitch should write on a piece of paper at least 500 times.
  • I'm not a Google employee, snitching is not my job
  • I'm not a snitch
  • Other people's tactics don't hurt my business
  • I'm not an FBI, if I am, I must be hallucinating
  • I won't get paid by Google to snitch on others
  • I won't sleep easier at night
  • My mom won't give me a cookie to report sites to Google
  • I'm not on snitching Olympics, they don't exist
  • Bible doesn't say anything about going to heaven if reporting others to Google
  • Judas betrayed Jesus, I'm not Judas

So here is are the real questions:
  • Are you employed by Google?
  • Are you FBI?
  • Will Google pay you to report others that mean you no harm?
  • Will you sleep easier at night if you report someone?
  • Will anyone give you a cookie if you report someone?
  • Does your religion tell you to report someone?

If you answered YES on any one of those questions, that's alright. But if you didn't, please tell me 1 good reason besides "being frustrated evil kid" for reporting people that don't follow Adsense guidelines 100%.

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I've never come across a site that actually said, 'click our ads' but you will get a few "support this site" type of messages near the ad boxes. And, those are encouragements. But I would doubt most users of a site know those are not allowed by Adsense TOS. They might just assume that is standard practice to label ads in such a way.

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I'm sure everyone knows it's against Adsense TOS to ask or encourage your site visitors to click on the Adsense ads, but webmasters still do it. What would you do if you found a site where they encouraged you to click on the Adsense ads? Would you report or just leave?

Does Google actually want you to report these sites? If not, then why bother. It seems there are better things to do.

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Does Google actually want you to report these sites? If not, then why bother. It seems there are better things to do.

I'm asking the question in response to this page published by Google:

We constantly review publishers for compliance with AdSense program policies and rules. If you believe a site showing ads is in violation of these policies, or you'd like to respond to a notification that you may be in violation of these policies, please let us know using one of the following troubleshooters.

Please use this troubleshooter to report a violation you've noticed to the appropriate Google team. At each step, we'll provide instructions or further questions to help narrow down the issue you're reporting. Following the instructions exactly will help ensure the best results.

They suggest that people report sites. And, I want to know if anyone actually would follow Google's suggestion to report a site for Adsense TOS violations.

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If a site owner will simply do a good job of placing the ads on the website, he should get clicks without having to ask.

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I don't encourage people to click on ads on my site. So that is all I'm concerned about. Other webmasters can get in trouble if they want, I'm not really worried.

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I will never click google ads just because the webmaster asks me to do so. I will click ad only when I find the ad useful. I use adsense on a half a dozen sites, however, I don't ask anyone to click the ads. I always work on techniques to increase voluntarily clicks. I do this by having focus keywords on my content. If my website has focus keywords, the adsense ads will show relevant ads. I have a travel website that features article on mountaineering and trekking. The ads shown on my page are relevant.

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