
Over 1000 Affiliate Clicks With NO Sales! Really??

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Over 1000 Affiliate Clicks With NO Sales! Really??

So, I got one of those spiffy new Seocheckout affiliate stores that are all the rage these days and started heavily promoting it once it got indexed in the Big G a couple days ago. As of right now I've had 1032 clicks on my affiliate links, but still no sales.

This is not clicks to my store itself, but on the service listings within the store directly to the Seocheckout site through my affiliate ID. So, does it seem odd to anyone that over 1000 people saw listings they were interested enough in to click to view it, but yet not even ONE of them bought a service? The clicks through my ID are registering, but no one is buying.



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Lol, last year I pumped out some affiliate links through twitterfeed onto some social media platforms with connections of people I don't know and got 16,900 clicks - and got paid $11.50 for my efforts (from 5 aff. member signups). Since then I learned how to make a wordpress site, so I'm going to try that, I think I'll get better results ;)

I'm up to 16061 now, and finally got just one sale...that got

I think it may be a glitch in the tracking software because it seems really odd that many people would click on specific service listings without any sales. They were interested enough to click the link, but no purchases?

My speculation is furthered by the new $10 coupon promo, as someone signed up through my blog, requested the $10 and I can see his profile here showing that he did join, but yet he's not showing under my signups list at all. Strange...

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Over 2000

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Lol, last year I pumped out some affiliate links through twitterfeed onto some social media platforms with connections of people I don't know and got 16,900 clicks - and got paid $11.50 for my efforts (from 5 aff. member signups). Since then I learned how to make a wordpress site, so I'm going to try that, I think I'll get better results ;)

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So far I've accumulated 2,442 clicks with no signups or sales. $2.00 for

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I think it may be a glitch in the tracking software because it seems really odd that many people would click on specific service listings without any sales. They were interested enough to click the link, but no purchases?

I wouldn't think so mate. It seems more likely to me to be just a high bounce rate, people see it and in 1 second think "oh, nah" and press the back button. The traffic needs to be really targeted, full of people who are actively looking for this stuff and not just surfing the net.

It is strange about the guy you got signed up who wasn't on your list though, maybe he thinks if he clicks on someone's affiliate link he'll be paying more, so he cut the aff-link out before he signed up? Some people do this because they don't understand that it doesn't affect them. I'm guilty of doing it in my early days, I confess.
EDIT: Although obviously that didn't happen in your case since he signed up through your blog, my bad. Yeah, I have no idea.

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I think I know what it is. If someone goes to Seocheckout on your, they have to sign up immediately. If they browse around and look at some other pages first, the aff. link is lost. I tried it out and made an aff. link for someone else's gig, and then I went to it. From there I went to the homepage, and bam - my aff.number was no longer in the url. That may be why I got 16,900 clicks and only 5 signups, and why someone joined but isn't on your aff. list

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Yep, I tested it out again from someone's aff site. I clicked through to seocheckout, went to the homepage and boom, byebye affiliate link. As long as the affiliate stuff is done through url, I'll never bother with that. They have to fix it up so that its based on cookies, like normal ones would be. Thats bogus.
Damn, I had 16,000 aff. clicks. Who knows how much money I could have made from that if they weren't lost.

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Okay I emailed the support staff about this and they said not to worry, its all cookie based. Just because the isn't visibly seen in the url, doesn't mean there's not a cookie that will record who's affiliate a new signup is.

He also said that in the case where someone saw someone click on their link and sign up but wasn't on the affiliate list, that would be because they already clicked on someone else's link earlier, and the cookie was already there (so a new one couldn't be made, which is fair). First up, first served.

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I have made $126 sale with my only 40 affiliates...I am also getting too many clicks without conversion. I need more affiliates to signup but don't know what to do?

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