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It's time for another Seocheckout affiliate store! I've recently created another affiliate store here:
I will give you AffiliateClerks Affiliate Script for $25
Become an Seocheckout affiliate today! Already an Seocheckout affiliate? Increase your sales with this script, guaranteed!
You get 10% from referrals if they make a purchase FOREVER for LIFE! Also, get commission if someone already signed up to Seocheckout and makes a purchase via your affiliate store!
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Now that is cool! How long did it take you to make this? I may purchase it soon.
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thanks everett i was buy your script and little modification on header for make look awesome
hope more plugins and update for this script.
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Sure i will share after website completecause it more better for all. Just for your idea; give any seo on Seocheckout Affiliate Store X v1.2, i was starting add simple seo for left side bar (category) using tag title on link, auto title keyword on paragraf each category; give H1 H2 H3 H4 on each page, make tag alt and title on images. but still in my mind how can i give any tag alt + title on services cause the service take from API and connect with Seocheckout site.
i you have way to create it show me
after onpage seo done, craeat backlink and spread it. or if you have some money can advertise on google or any cheap online advertistment. hope will success
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NOTICE: Script currently getting updated, unavailable to order at this time!
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Everett, I will buy the script as soon as I have balance here. Will you fully install it for me!
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...... ask a friend to attempt to hack it and they got into the admin section.. so more security needs to be implemented before releasing the admin panel.
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[COLOR=#333300][B]UPDATES: [/B][/COLOR] Service currently paused because: [list][*]Making the template more browser compatible as it fails in Safari and IE.[/*][*]Revamping load/pagination feature[/*][/LIST] [COLOR=#333300][B][/B][/COLOR]
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