
How big are social networks?

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How big are social networks?

As i am involved in social media marketing a lot, i usually research movements on major social network sites to be in current trends, so today i just found interesting comparison and chart which letting us know where it worth investing time to do social media marketing, actually which social networks are mostly used by large masses / people. Have look this chart:

How big are social networks?

As someone said:

If Facebook were a country, it would be substantially bigger then China.

According to this chart results we can see that Faceebook is really leading substantially on top of the list as it's used by 1.65 billion people monthly, So it's like one in seven of global population. WOW.

Interesting thing is that WhatsUp is next to Facebook, even it's not really technically counted as social network, but with over 1 billion monthly active users, it's obviously need attention if you looking to reach large number of people while doing internet marketing.

I am actually surprised that Twitter, Instagram and other social networks are so much down with these metrics but it doesn't mean they are not good for marketing.

What is your thoughts about this current stats? Please share your experience.


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Hello anwebservices,
This was interesting. Even though I'm aware of the fact that Facebook are the biggest one with the most active users.. This is interesting because you can actually see the potential in other platforms.. Facebook and Twitter are the most common social medias to work with, when you're advertising your services and all that, but other social medias like SnapChat are starting to get attention from advertisers, as it's less crowded, and I can truly see the potential and the reason for using it.

As it's less active users on SnapChat for instance, there's also less competitors (other advertisers) which basically means that your advertising campaigns will get more exposure even though it's less people active... And that will ultimately lead to good results as long as you do things properly.

Best Regards,

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That was a very interesting comparison. I know that Facebook is used a lot. Most people I know have a Facebook account now, and I have noticed that even 'old' people are creating a profile on Facebook lately as I have several relatives who are over 60 years of age who have set up their account over the past few months. It seems that they have given in to the trend despite their previous reluctance to learn how to use a computer! Twitter is also popular but they still have a long way to go to be as famous as Facebook. I have read that Whatsapp and Instagram are becoming increasingly popular and this seems to be substantiated by your chart although you cannot compare them to Facebook of course.

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facebook never die because have a lot of feature. Now i think facebook is not only a social network, we can use facebook like email (send anything in msg without limitation, we can promote our business, we can share anything, etc. Wow amazing...

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I only recently got a Smart Phone and got WhatsApp. How would you use WhatsApp for marketing without spamming people? I find all the groups people add me to really annoying!

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Well sorry to hear that. I ma actually not familiar with WhatsUp as i never used it, so i was surprised it's so high on scale of this chart. I work on other social networks and currently have no time to join others, specially the ones where i can get spammed a lot How big are social networks?

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I don’t think you can use Whatsapp for marketing without spamming others. I get spam marketing messages from time to time but I just block those messages so I don’t think this is a very effective method. I have no idea how they get my number though. The only thing I can think of is message your friends on Whatsapp. Whatsapp is a pretty popular option; nearly all my friends use it for messaging but I don’t think it has any features that will aid marketing. I don't know why but most of my friends seems to prefer Whatsapp over Facebook chat.

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I've been added to groups on WhatsApp and then spammed. An example is someone I vaguely know added me to a WhatsApp group and started adding adverts for beauty products to it. I didn't even know who's group it was but there were about 200 people added.
So anyone that has had phone contact with you and saves your number can apparently just add you into groups. I don't like that at all.
I just leave the group. It is similar to Facebook Groups, people can just add you without your permission and then you get all these annoying notifications. I think Facebook should change that so that you get a notification that someone has invited you to a group which you can then decline or approve. Same for WhatsApp.

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Hi Anwebservice you are really putted an awesome information. Now we have to consider deeply for our business grow. We are more or less doing business based on social network and mainly we are targeting Facebook for any social promotion. And your graph clearly showed yes! Facebook is right place for business promotion, where over 1.5 billion people are involving each month. It is really awesome. And next one is whatsup just after facebook, where almost 1 billion people are using each month. And whatsup any way not evadable for further business purpose.

And instagram, twitter and Google+ comparatively same position and near about 4 billion user using each month on each network. And by the way Facebook cleary ahead by user engagement contrast with other social network. This information really useful for me. I should note all information for further business step.

Thanks by Ajlancer

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This is pretty interesting! I am not sure if you have ever heard of WeChat but it is a messaging app that is a bit like a social network. You have something called “moments” which is a bit like a social network where you can post, like, comment and share stuff. If Whatsapp has this feature, then it will probably be a great platform for marketing as you can get your friends to share stuff and then it will go on many people’s news feed. I am surprised that WeChat didn’t make the list because it is fairly popular in China.

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Obviously, the social media networks of China and Indian are that big mainly due to their population. In China, Facebook and Google are banned so the Chinese have no choice. With the Indians, the prefer the Indian social media network for intimacy since it uses their language. It is clear that Facebook is the largest social media network and trailing a far second is Whats App. I was surprised that Twitter was just a fraction of Facebook's stats. Anyway, I think that Facebook will maintain its lead for a long time, 5 years or more.

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Social media marketing is one that has grown over the years with the way the users of social media sites have increased on a daily basis. So, I think it is a channel people can get to sell their goods as well.

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