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in a matter of two weeks I've cancelled Twitter projects over and over. Most people say they can gif a high number of quality followers. That's not the case at all, sometimes the campaign doesn't start at all. Let's not forget the extra days you have to wait. What's happening to SEO, is anyone professional,reliable and timely? It looks like I have to cancel another Twitter order.
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yes i did buy on Fiverr never to late always on time and very responsive...and at least they can speak a world wide language.
Anyway you do not have to try to convince me because it's my own opinion, i do not try to convince you either.
I bought from many platforms to test them out Seocheckout far worst of them all
example something i never saw before anywhere
The heading of the service
WE DELIVER IN 48 hours (they even ask you extra for it, that's all fine)
i received a message: I start NOW on your order.
i wait more then 48 hours order, is stating TO LATE.
I write 4 times to the seller, no response , wait another day...nothing i click cancel order
guess what now the seller comes SCREAMING why you cancel order you no patience..lol seriously?
i order for fast service not picking nose service.
However people seem to be able to put anything on their service just to pull a client in and Seocheckout does let it happen.
If i order something that i need to have in 48 hours and they state it they should do it, if not please go away. make true what you state!
In all my time (years already) i never delivered to late to my clients NEVER and it will never happen, i NEVER stated BS that is not true
seocheckout is full of it and you can try to defend but i can get you in 10 minutes 10 services that state something that is not true, search for complains and look how many there are! about sellers.. on fiverr about buyers!
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