
Why can't we rate services who cancel?

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Why can't we rate services who cancel?

Guaranteed! 24 hour delivery! Super fast! 100% success rate! No risk!

:::3 days later:::

Turns out I can't do this, feel free to cancel.

And since the order didn't complete, I can't rate them. That doesn't seem right to me. I've had this happen twice in a row now; and I suspect I wouldn't be going through this if users were allowed to rate these people down, or if there was some sort of indication of how many times these "experts" couldn't deliver what they promise. If I saw a service that regularly cancelled on people, I certainly wouldn't use them.


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You can't rate cancelled services because you get your money back, so it is the same as you never bought them... In that case, why would you rate them at all. Many people would create fake accounts and leave negative ratings to kill competitors... It's not going to happen.

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