
I can't link to Seocheckout

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I can't link to Seocheckout

On some webmaster forums such as WF, they won't let me post a link to seocheckout. What can I do about that? I want to be able to advertise services as they are made available.


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Some sites are in direct competition with Seocheckout and don't tolerate direct links to the site. And, sometimes they won't even allow a link to your Seocheckout affiliate store.

You could choose not to advertise your link on those sites or you might start your own freelancer blog where you describe your Seocheckout related services. On your blog, you would also want to include samples of your work; testimonials of happy customers and any information that a prospective client could want.

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Warrior is now owned by, which is a direct competitor of SC, so they won't allow their promotion on that forum. I guess they are afraid ;)

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Warrior Forum allows me to have the Seocheckout banner is my signature. Had no problems at all.

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Warrior Forum allows me to have the Seocheckout banner is my signature. Had no problems at all.

Maybe the moderators are being selective about who they allow to link to seocheckout. Also, it's possible they allow a link to any site if you pay for the signature link banner ad.

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Yes I have also noticed that if I mention Seocheckout on WF, its get reported. Whereas nothing happens when someone mention clone sites of SC. Quite strange, may be due to competition.

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maybe they see Seocheckout as a very strong competitor

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Yes I have also noticed that if I mention Seocheckout on WF, its get reported. Whereas nothing happens when someone mention clone sites of SC. Quite strange, may be due to competition.

I built an account on Warrior forum for a client and his signature line linked to his Seocheckout affiliate store (not the official Seocheckout site) and they removed the signature line with instructions not to link to that site. So even some affiliate stores are being restricted.

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