
Can't Post service on Facebook

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Can't Post service on Facebook

Hi members,
I'm Level 3 seller on seocheckout. I have a lot good services and have big account facebook (have more 2 million friends/fans). But I can't post Seocheckout services on my wall account. Do you know that? Why?


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you can use website blog for promot on facebook Like
I am using this method for promot on facebook i share only my blogspot site on facebook.
in blogspot site i add info about my Seocheckout service.

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Yes i think facebook behave Seocheckout link as a spam why it behave spam for such beautiful sites i don't know but you can promote your services through your site via facebook.

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Also you can do it using goolge plus post and link the facebook post to that directly using hashtag for easy share Can

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