
Is freelancing bad for your health?

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Is freelancing bad for your health?

Just think of all the hours you will sit in your chair at the computer working online as a freelancer. If you are spending more than an hour sitting down, that can be bad for your circulation. Can you give me some tips for staying healthy as a freelancer, without cutting into my schedule?


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in many jobs you sit down for a lots of hours without moving, but as a freelancer you have the advantage that you can do breaks if you feel you need. For me it s great working from home, I always do short 5-10minute breaks and workout or do some yoga in that time to improve the circulation of body and brain - something that would be harder to do in an office ;)
the less healthier part is for sure that you always think about new projects and sometimes have harder to stop working mentally

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That is the good thing in freelancing that you can afford to take a break anytime you want. However, most freelancers tell me that they forget to take a break when they are engrossed on a job that needs to be done sooner than the schedule. Some freelancers also take more load than they can do hence they are putting more stress on themselves which can be avoided if better discretion is used.

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No not at all its not bad for our health since we are sitting more time in front of computer than we have to do some eye exercise in between this time.

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in many jobs you sit down for a lots of hours without moving, but as a freelancer you have the advantage that you can do breaks if you feel you need. For me it s great working from home, I always do short 5-10minute breaks and workout or do some yoga in that time to improve the circulation of body and brain - something that would be harder to do in an office ;)
the less healthier part is for sure that you always think about new projects and sometimes have harder to stop working mentally

Sometimes, I get wrapped up in a project online and forget to take breaks, so I end up with headaches and aching eyes. It's good to take short breaks occasionally. Though usually my short five minute tea breaks turn into an hour long vacation away from the computer as real life issues await when I get offline.

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You are likely to experience lots of stress if you work too much on any job, whether online or a real world job. You will just have to find a way to manage your stress through proper diet, exercise and relaxation techniques.

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With a freelance job, you should have more free time to care for your own needs. With a regular job, you might not even have time for a good sleep schedule.

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I have a river near my home (~200m) and except on winter I daily go to spin fishing, usually 2h in the morning and if it's possible 2h in the evening. So, I'm quickly refreshed on each day!

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Freelancing can become a way of life for you if you let it and earn lots of money. You just have to make some adjustments to your schedule to ensure that you are not sitting long and do other things to take care of your health during the day.

I have a river near my home (~200m) and except on winter I daily go to spin fishing, usually 2h in the morning and if it's possible 2h in the evening. So, I'm quickly refreshed on each day!

Not many people live so close to a river and can go fishing. This must be a very enjoyable activity. Do you catch many fish?

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Not many people live so close to a river and can go fishing. This must be a very enjoyable activity. Do you catch many fish?

Usually 3-5 zander fishes (2-4kg in total), sometimes less. It's very enjoyable! After fishing I'm fully reloaded to do my freelanceing work again. Here are some photos:
Is freelancing bad for your health?

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If anyone is feeling bad about their health then I am here to handle their work easily.

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Go for a walk everyday and exercise your body, just as you exercise your mind. This is very important to staying healthy so your muscles won't deteriorate from disuse.

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Get up and move around frequently to relieve the muscle tension in your legs. This will also be very good for your back.

Occasionally, you need to devote a few minutes to gentle stretches.

Again, this will help your body relax so that you have less stress and pain while working.

In addition, eat well (without over eating) and drink plenty of water every few hours.

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It's bad if you can not provide for your time.

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Freelancing does not mean sitting hours after hours before your computer. However if you are doing that, its bad for your health definitely.

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@Niven Yes, if you are not paying attention to your sitting posture it can have severe effect n health in a longer run. My neck hurts all the time bu having it upright and not moving much through the day. Sometimes its my back so I takes 2-3 mins break by looking around or just have a walk around in my room.

@Allbest This I can definitely try. Heading to YouTube for some How To Videos.

@Beverly This is usually the case as most of the freelancers who are working from home also have families to look after and you never know when your door bell will ring and some uninvited quests will be waiting to surprise you.

@ppscslv How is that for a refreshing idea. Unfortunately the river is located at 40mins drive from my place which is roughly 20km. The spot is filled with fishing enthusiasts. We have saltwater bream, Queen fish and sometimes if we are lucky we also get bites from <2kg groupers.

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Hello, More Peoples doing work as a Freelancing. In my personal Experience its not harmful for health.

But most important need to care something.. You need also take rest time to time, relaxing, enjoying in normal time. Just do work as per office hour or, may be some extra hours. its enough

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Recently my health condition is not good at all thats why I am unable to come online . Due to continue sitting infront of computer I got serious headache and its now almost a week and its not going away and I got eyesight problem now Is freelancing bad for your health? I am trying to recover fast but I think long hours in front of pc really hurts eyes and body very badly Is freelancing bad for your health? so try to sit in intervals and always get some fresh air after giving some time to pc .

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I don't think freelancing is bad for the health except in some cases when freelancing work is already overwhelming that requires you to work excessively. Freelancing per se is good, of course, and the stress that you get is the side effect. But whatever work you are doing, whether freelancing or not, stress will kill you if you don't take care of your health. In our office, the rule is to stand up after spending 1 hour in front of the computer. Excessive use of the computer can strain the eyes and that is bad for the health.

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