
How Do You Juggle Children & Freelancing?

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How Do You Juggle Children & Freelancing?

Greetings to you all!

I have a very active soon to be five year old son, plus I work part time at a hospital and I Freelance. I find it to be very difficult at times, because when I have deadlines I have to meet, my son desperately yearns for my attention. He loves to play for long chunks at a time, so I find it's a challenge.

There are times when I hardly get any sleep because of not getting to bed when I need to. There are times when I feel horrible because I soooo want to play with him, but I have "X" amount of projects due.

How do you cope with Freelancing and children?


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I feeel like you should add this as your status so people know before they order you that they might have to wait for delivery longer due to some issues and responsibilities in your life that cannot be avoided .How Do You Juggle Children & Freelancing?
I hope you will find the answer helpful .

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I feeel like you should add this as your status so people know before they order you that they might have to wait for delivery longer due to some issues and responsibilities in your life that cannot be avoided .How Do You Juggle Children & Freelancing?
I hope you will find the answer helpful .

So, if someone else (like the rest of us) is just extremely busy they would put that on their status as well, because they might go into late delivery? I have on my profile that I'm a parent, however I don't feel it would be fair to be discriminated against because I'm a Mother. Everyone has responsibilities in their life to cope with, regardless if they are a parent or not. I haven't had one delivery that's late at all. So, I'm not sure exactly what angle you're working here.

Thank you for your input How Do You Juggle Children & Freelancing?

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Many times, I will invite my daughter into my work area to play with her LPS toys or art supplies. She loves hanging out in the room with me as I write and I enjoy listening to her talk. She seems very happy doing this. And, maybe that's an idea which would work for your son, having him in the room as you work with an art project or other fun distraction nearby.

When my daughter was three years old, we bought her a computer to work on, so that she could play her games and visit online educational sites.

To be sure, her computer was always located very near mine so I could always monitor her progress and we could talk about what she was doing online.

One of her favorite sites was StarFall, an online learning site that helps children learn how to read.

Over the years, she has become very proficient at using the computer and it's been a great educational advantage. If you haven't already tried this idea, maybe it's something that could work for you to help you get a little extra time to work on your projects.

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I like Beverly's suggestion. Have your child be in the room and maybe give them a special task to complete so they have "Work" to do like you.

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I have no problem with children because we don’t have kids at home although we have 3 dogs. Fortunately we have a housemaid that handles our dogs and some other house chores that’s why I am free at home. My juggling is in the office because I have a full time job although I sneak at times to do my freelancing. But that’s only during breaks because it’s not allowed to do some other work during office hours.

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