
Where is my order?

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Where is my order?

My order is past due!
I used this site because I was told I wouldn't get screwed.


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Well who is the seller? Mention his name here, and if your order is late there is a "Mutual cancel" button use that and you can get your money back. Contact support if you think something is not good:

- Sunil Bishnoi

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tweetUSA. Right now I don't even have $3. I'm what you would call, POOR!

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Your site is telling me my order is past due.

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I'm not saying its your fault, I spent what was left on my card for now,

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So I just loose my money on a "This order is Guaranteed". Deal.

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Hit cancel and I'll get my money back in a week or so when its taken from my card as soon as I place the order. NOT!

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What kind of dipshit outfit is this?

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Highway Robbery.

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Have you tried contacting the seller regarding this issue?
If the seller won't respond, then you need to mutually cancel.
As @sunil0021 explained, you will need to contact support if you need to submit a ticket. You can do this HERE.

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There is a way to conduct yourself online when trying to get help for a problem you have. A few simple things you shouldn't do is..

  • Spam your support thread replying with lots of messages.
  • Use language / comments like this: "What kind of dipshit outfit is this?"

sunil0021 has already mentioned to you that you can use the Mutual Cancelation option to get a refund.


When you say "Your site is telling me my order is past due." ..
Yes, this website is telling you that, but it is not this website that is selling you a service and is being late with it. Seocheckout is telling you that The Seller has not delivered the service on time.

PS: Im sure the buyer also has a Force Cancel option (not sure), and there is also a button to report the order if you think that the seller is up to no good. That said, Do Not Report Orders Just Because They Are Not Delivered On Time: Try contact the seller first on the order page, then if no answer, send a PM, if no answer on that, then move to the next thing with is a cancelation option, this way you get your money back or the seller cancels the cancelation and goes on to deliver the service, if then they still don't deliver the service but don't allow you to cancel, that is then an order that should be reported.

Where is my order?

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There are many logical reasons why a seller may not have delivered your order on time. And, the reasons may not be malicious. You can't just assume that someone has not delivered the order because they are trying to cheat you. The real reason could be family related or maybe they can't get online to do the work for you. As Sean said, work with your seller to fix this issue or if you want, get your money back with mutual cancellation. Try the things he said before assuming the worst.

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